Happy Holidays, White Donors: Salvation Army Wants You to Offer a ‘Sincere Apology’ for ‘Systemic Racism’

I ran across this apology I like:

Date: 11/25/21

Dear Salvation Army,

Recently it has come to my attention that the Salvation Army has identified me, a white American citizen, as a racist.

The Salvation Army has stated, and I am paraphrasing, that true healing can only come to persons of color once white people admit their radical sin of being born white.

Thus, the Salvation Army now demands that I apologize for my race and begin atoning for my sins (we can agree to start just ignoring those passages that describe Jesus Christ as the one who offers true atonement for sins, but I digress).

Therefore, please accept this sincere apology for being white. I offer it in lieu of any financial donation, since green money from a white person’s hands is obviously nothing more than a bribe made in an effort to appease the enlightened.

Please use this apology to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and heal the sick this Christmas season.

I’m sure that the Black Lives Matter supporters will be very charitable this year to help make up for the generous contributions that I will be making elsewhere.

Merry Christmas,
A Deeply Sorry White Person