What’s going on in Joe Biden’s mind?

I know; I know – the jokes write themselves.

Biden’s mind? What’s that?

But I continue to think that Biden has more input into all of this than most people believe. And of course, whether he does or doesn’t, the same question can be asked about “Biden’s” mind – that is, the mind or collective minds of those behind-the-scenes people who actually may be running the show.

It was glaringly obvious even while Biden was running for president that his plan was to end our energy independence. To me, that alone should have been enough to ensure that virtually no one would be voting for him, but of course I knew that wasn’t the case. Whether you believe that Biden won because of fraud or whether you think he won fair and square, there isn’t any doubt that a lot of people did vote for him. I certainly know plenty who did.

Why were the Democrats so intent on this obviously destructive path that would weaken the US and its economy, give more power to Putin and Russia, and actually do nothing for the environment (only changing the source from which we get fossil fuels rather than usage)? I believe that, for some of them, weakening the US was a feature rather than a bug. Great Reset and all that.

But for others – and I tend to think Biden was among them – the motives were these:

(1) Whatever Trump did, do the opposite. This was in part reflexive and in part spiteful.
(2) Whatever Obama did, do more of it and go that extra mile.
(3) Virtue-signal to your leftist base and give them what they want, or you will lose them.

Even now, with this Russia invasion of Ukraine, they’re not going to reverse direction.

For Biden, almost everything is political. He’s been in politics nearly his entire adult life, which has been a very long time. I don’t think he has many principles except winning and self-aggrandizement, and though history may not be kind to him he mostly looks at short-term gains. His judgment over the years has proven abominable except in the political sense of landing on his feet.

But now that Biden’s finally achieved his lifelong ambition of becoming president, his actions have a lot more consequences than they did when he was a mere senator. Too bad we all have to suffer as a consequence.

In addition, we are presently poised on the brink of a reportedly disastrous Iran deal. Why is that happening? The short and probably too-simplified answer is that it fulfills all three of the criteria I listed above. An additional answer is that some people in the Biden administration seem to want to do their best to hurt the US and the western world and empower our enemies, and that this isn’t motivated by stupidity but rather by malevolence.