South Dakota: Three Pro-Gun Bills Signed by Governor Noem

Last week, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem signed a trio of pro-gun measures that strengthen our right to self-defense in the Mount Rushmore State.  These measures will go into effect on July 1, 2022.

Senate Bill 195 clarifies South Dakota’s current Stand your Ground law by establishing that the burden of proof, by clear and convincing evidence, lies on the party seeking to overcome the immunity provided under this law.  This measure clarifies the burden of proof and who bears the burden of proof in Stand your Ground self-defense cases.   

House Bill 1162 updates the definition of “loaded firearm” under South Dakota law to designate that a firearm is considered loaded only if a round is chambered.  This update provides easier methods of storing firearms in an “unloaded” manner, while still maintaining utility in self-defense situations when seconds matter.

Senate Bill 212, as amended on the Senate Floor, reduces the cost of South Dakota carry permits to $0.  SB 212 allows those who wish to use South Dakota’s reciprocity agreements with other states, to do so and not be heavily burdened by what is essentially a tax on their right to self-defense.