Sorry, Bill Gates, I Will Not Exist Off Synthetic Meat.

I’m not a big fan of veganism.

Understand, I think people should be free to do as they wish so long as they don’t harm anyone else, and I would oppose any effort to ban veganism or anything of the sort. Still, I don’t like it.

Why? Because veganism is full of vegans.

See, these are people who seem to believe that we’re all morally obligated to live a life as they do, regardless of any other factors.

Now, we seem to have Bill Gates pushing the same kind of crap.

Bill Gates recently said that he believes rich nations would help the global fight against climate change by consuming only plant-based meat products instead of beef.

In a recent interview with Technology Review, Gates discussed his new book, “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster,” and emphasized the benefits rich nations could produce by moving to “100% synthetic beef.”

“I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef,” Gates said when asked about how countries can help to reduce methane emissions when it comes to food production. “You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they’re going to make it taste even better over time.”

The philanthropist and Microsoft co-founder told the outlet he is hopeful that a turn to plant-based proteins will help combat methane emissions produced by livestock.

Yeah, sorry, Bill, ain’t gonna happen.

First, understand that what people like Gates aren’t talking about is the forced extinction of at least one entire species. If you’re talking about going to plant-based meats because of greenhouse gas emissions, you’re talking about also exterminating cattle from the Earth.

For animal rights activists—a sizeable segment of vegans who offer up similar proposals—this should be a non-starter. If meat is murder, what is this but genocide?

Second, I have a personal reason to oppose this. I’m allergic to soy, which is a key ingredient in almost every plant-based meat on the market. Remove meat from my diet and you basically make it impossible for me to get enough protein.

Hell, most of my family has this same allergy.

What Gates is pushing isn’t possible for us. Somehow, though, they never think about that, nor do they care about it.

And then you have the potential health issues from a high soy diet.

More than that, though, is the idea that in addition to talking about climate change, Gates has been doing a lot of talking about health lately—what with his authority status with the media regarding vaccines and such—yet sits there looking like a human potato. He’s simply not healthy-looking himself, yet the media hangs on his every word about it.

So they never question pronouncements like this.

Of course, then there’s the fact that Gates seems to think that Americans should suffer for the benefit of humanity on something that, frankly, isn’t necessarily going to make a difference.

When it comes to climate change, what proponents have never been able to do is tell me why I should take scientists’ pronouncements seriously when they haven’t gotten a single climate change model right.

Not. A. One.

Modeling is supposed to give us an idea of what will happen, but if all the models are wrong, then there’s a reason why they are. If they haven’t been able to correct the models, then it sounds like climate scientists don’t understand climate nearly as well as they like to think they do.

And if the models were actually too optimistic, that would be one thing, but they’re not. They’re seriously overshooting where things are going to be, which tells me that I really shouldn’t take them seriously.

Gates, however, thinks I should not just take them seriously, but that we should also completely change our lives and our lifestyles, risk our health, and wipe out entire animal species, all because of scientists who can’t get a single model right.

Yeah, that’s just not going to happen.

Nor should it happen. Billionaires don’t get to tell us how to live our life. No one does. That’s the beauty that is America.

Gates can go suck on a soybean plant. I’m going to have a steak.