Remember, this is from the establishment that won’t show pictures of people jumping from the World Trade Center after the 9/11 attacks because that would be ‘prejudicial and inflammatory’.

Comment O’ The Day

Lets do the same for the massive carnage taking place in Americas major cities every single day – the black on black death count is staggering

There were 13,654 black American victims of homicide in 2020 – that’s 37 a DAY

In 2020 those identifying or identified as Black or African American
made up 13.5% of the U.S. population, according to CDC estimates (that
for definitional and other reasons don’t quite match the results of the
2020 U.S. Census). They also made up 55.6% of the homicide victims, and
65.6% of the increase in homicides relative to 2019. To put it another
way, the homicide rate for Black Americans rose from 22.9 per 100,000 in
2019 to 30.7 in 2020. For all other Americans, the rate went from 3.2
to 3.8.

And to point out about the above; By the FBI’s own uniform crime report, most black Americans (88%+-) are killed by other black Americans

It’s time to show the real horror of mass shootings. In pictures.


I lack the moral standing to tell a parent to accept and approve, for the greater good, the public display of photos of his or her dead child. Only they can judge the additional weight that doing so would place on them, at a time when they are already struggling with unimaginable grief. Nor do I suggest the release of any images in particular. But something graphic is required to awaken the public to the real horror of these repeated tragedies. Robb Elementary School in Uvalde is a crime scene. If there were a case to go to trial, the prosecution would have to present publicly the shocking evidence of guilt. Put another way: Why must innocent schoolchildren, for the rest of their lives, carry the vivid memories of the executions of their teachers and classmates, while federal and state lawmakers (and the adult constituents who elect them) are spared?