Pushback: The left discovers it doesn’t have the right to break the law

In the past few months, since Trump won re-election in November, the string of legal and political victories by the thousands of individuals blacklisted by the left and the Democratic Party in the past decade has been so overwhelming that for me to report each story as it happened would have required me to change the focus of this website entirely, something I did not wish to do.

Instead, I have collected a short list of these victories, hardly complete, and am now posting them here in one essay. This will not only put these victories on the record, it will show unequivocally how many leftists since 2020 somehow came to believe they were not required to follow the law in imposing their leftist agenda on others. The belief however was a delusion. It has just taken a few years to make the rule of law regain its primacy.

Read now and celebrate. Note also that Trump’s election win was completely irrelevant to most of these stories. While his return to the presidency clearly accelerated the trend, the trend had been established long before his election. And that trend has only just begun.

  • December 27, 2024: Justice Department suspends DEA’s civil-asset-forfeiture program, designed to allow agents to literally steal the assets of travelers for no reason at all.
  • December 31, 2024: Federal judge rules in favor of jury verdict awarding $7.8 million to six former BART transit employees fired for refusing to get the COVID jab on religious grounds.
  • January 7, 2025: Meta ends its program used to censor conservatives on Facebook and Instagram, a censorship program it claimed was forced on it by federal government pressure. This decision was underlined forcefully by the company’s founder Mark Zuckerberg an X post , who admitted to the censorship by his company and vowed it was now ended.
  • January 17, 2025: Mother arrested for expressing critical opinions at city council meeting expands her lawsuit [pdf] against city, mayor, and arresting police officer, adding claims of assault, battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The new charges are based on recently released bodycam footage which documents the illegal and abusive actions against her. This is also a blacklisted story that I reported previously.
  • January 21, 2025: Judge condemns Florida school board for defying earlier court rulings that ordered it to stop censoring the speech of parents at meetings. This battle in Florida prompted the formation of Moms for Liberty, which now has national chapters winning school board elections everywhere.
  • January 24, 2025: Trump administration drops charges against Dr. Eithan Haim, who uncovered the child mutilation and castration operation at Texas Children’s Hospital. The Biden administration had moved to persecute him for doing this, charging him with breaking the HIPPAA privacy law even though, as I reported in June 2024, nothing he did violated any patient’s rights.
  • Trump reinstates more than 8,000 military service members fired for refusing the COVID jab, with each to receive full back pay and their former rank.
  • January 27, 2025: California drops all charges against undercover journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, who uncovered Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of baby parts for profit. Though part of a plea deal, the state got almost nothing while the journalists end up almost entirely free and clear. Of all the cases listed above, this is actually the oldest, as the persecution of these two journalists, who only did what journalists do, began in 2017 when then California attorney general Xavier Becerra (who became Biden’s secretary of Health and Human Services) filed 15 felony charges against Dalieden for committing journalism.

Of this list, five involved attacking individuals for expressing their first amendment rights, one involved a government policy that violated Americans’ fifth amendment property rights, and two involved illegal mandates that violated the rights of Americans to refuse medical treatment using an experimental drug. The Constitution is still in force

In fact, all these cases involve actions by government officials who violated the law and the Bill of Rights. They illustrate how our government in the past decade suddenly decided it was above the law and could do whatever it wanted to stamp its boot into the faces of dissenters.

Or to put it more bluntly, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

What these petty tyrants are now discovering is that the law does matter, and that breaking the law carries real consequences. In several cases individual government officials face sanctions themselves for their actions. In all cases the effort to squelch opposition using government power is falling before the plain words of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and numerous other federal and state laws.

Nor does this list include the numerous cases where corporations violated long-standing federal and state civil rights laws in establishing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) racist hiring practices, beginning around 2020. In all cases these racist hiring quotas — favoring some races or genders over others — were blatantly illegal, and now leave these companies very vulnerable to many lawsuits.

Essentially, in the past five years too many Americans went mad, thinking they could do anything they wanted to those who disagreed with them, including abusing government power and breaking the law for political ends.

They are now discovering that the United States remains a nation of laws. The wheel of justice might grind slow, but it grinds on. There are penalties for violating those laws, and a lot of people are about to discover what those penalties are.