The CLUEBAT can take many forms, and some people need a stronger application of it than others do.

A Pensive Trump Admits Assassination Attempt ‘Changed Something’ in Him, Feels ‘More Strongly’ About God

A somber and reflective President Trump, speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast at the Capitol on Thursday, talked about the attempt on his life in Butler, Pennsylvania, last July.

In a rare public moment of emotion, Trump explained that the incident affirmed his belief in God.

“Honestly, it’s a mir (miracle) — It changed, it changed something in me,” the president said in a hushed tone. “I feel even stronger.”

“I believed in God, but I feel — I feel much more strongly about it. Something happened,” he added as the crowd burst into applause.

The assassination attempt in Butler turned out to be one of the most iconic moments in the history of this nation. That isn’t over-selling.

While tales of heroism and defiance in the face of threats against one’s life scatter the historical landscape of America, very few have been witnessed in real-time as they were this past summer.

During the campaign rally in question, an assassin’s bullet struck Trump’s ear, coming just centimeters from taking him out and very likely plunging a profoundly divided nation into civil conflict.

Did he run for his life? No.

The soon-to-be president dusted himself off, blood pouring down the side of his face, and demanded the American people keep fighting for the nation they love so dearly.

It led to an image that will be etched into the collective memory of this nation for decades to come.

While some have attributed Trump escaping the bullet meant to take his life as mere luck, he has long suggested that it was the guiding hand of God that helped him through.

During his inaugural speech on January 20th, the president eloquently reiterated that stance.

“Those who wished to stop our cause have tried to take my freedom and, indeed, to take my life,” he said. “Just a few months ago, in a beautiful Pennsylvania field, an assassin’s bullet ripped through my ear.”

“I felt then and believe even more so now that my life was saved for a reason: I was saved by God to make America great again.”

It’s hard to argue. A nation founded by those who believed in the Creator is experiencing a second revolution and resurgence under a man whose life was spared — it’s hard not to attribute — by the hand of God.

Trump, at the National Prayer Breakfast, also vowed “to bring religion back” and reminded the American people, “If it was up to Democrats, I would not be in a good place.”

Perhaps that was another allusion to the assassination attempt(s) or the resistance party’s unceasing efforts to put him in jail.