Cheryl Duffy

Imagine a world where narcissists gain control of the most powerful country in the world, slowly, overtime so that hardly anyone realizes it. To gain this power over time, what if they created a system of contractors who would gain lucrative funds from Federal Government Departments and funnel these funds back to people and organizations who would help keep them in power in perpetuity.

********Then, imagine that while this is going on, they fiercely push abortion as a right, trans mutilations of children (in many cases rendering them unable to reproduce), and embrace anti-family programs within government, eroding the parental rights and responsibilities in communities all across said country**********

Once this group of narcissists achieves a drastic reduction in birthrates among the citizenry, they encourage a mass migration of foreigners into the country illegally, provides them funding, encourages anchor babies so they can stay in this country “legally.”

Now the narcissists turn to the election systems. They erode voter identification laws, implement mail-in ballot and ballot harvesting initiatives using their operatives across the country. They install fellow narcissists in state legislatures across the country to appoint ballot watchers and stuff ballot boxes with votes for their candidates. How loud and mad do you think this group of narcissists would be if someone managed to gain power in spite of all these things against them?

Imagine the gnashing of teeth as the corruption begins to be exposed, the funding is dismantled, the fake voters are deported, the voter rolls are purged of dead people, the abortion push is drastically throttled, the mutilation of children outlawed, and parental rights supported and affirmed. We are viewing it in real time and it makes me very happy!

Thank you