The demoncraps thought they had him pinned down, but like Antaeus who regained his strength when he touched the earth, Trump grew more powerful. He has mentally broken them.
The problem is that the insane often are quite dangerous

Democrats Locked in Their Own Hell

What is the Democrat message? Do they even know?

Is the Democrat message pure Jacobin hatred for anything pro-American and anything that could be considered pro-President Donald Trump?

They’re feral creatures now, lonely, isolated, frightened without leadership, desperate for relevance, without any cogent message, terrified at what’s to become of them.

And quite mad, like inmates in Victorian lunatic asylum.

The other day Democrat pundit Chris Matthews appeared on a “Morning Joe” panel on left-wing MSNBC. He skipped the old Trump is Hitler shtick, ranting instead that Trump was Mussolini. He might as well have channeled the lunatic Renfield from an old Dracula movie, laughing maniacally, chanting “the blood is the life! the blood is the life!”

Some kind soul might tell Matthews and other MSNBC attention seekers that the blood of rats and birds and flies are not the life. Nor is jabbering paranoia. For political parties, votes are the life. And they keep losing them. Americans appeal to common sense, not to mad ravings.

Long ago, the Democrat Party had a choice:

Cleanse themselves of their Barack Obama infection, cleanse themselves of Obama’s racist and radical addiction to racial preferences that we now know as DEI, amputate any limbs that had become sodden with jacobin  gangrene and become what they had been: a patriotic American party of the American working class.

Or, they could continue following the discredited Clintons and Obamas down the sewer.

The Democrats chose the sewer.

They didn’t do a damn thing except scream. And their childish foot stomping was on display for all the world to see last week at President Trump’s Congressional address.

They wore costumes. They waved their little bingo signs. They took a stand against women, by refusing to support a ban against men in women’s sports. Yet they wore feminist pink to gaslight their voters.

They showed themselves to be what we knew about them:

That they are not serious. They’re only about performance.  They are the leftist clerisy living on money taken from Americans. And they’re quite dangerous.


They’re morally bankrupt

Today’s Democrat platform–what they do, not what they speechify or bleat–is quite clear on a number of points.

Men who fantasize that they’re women and pretend to be women (but have the physical power that male hormones have given them) have more rights to American sports than girls. They can pound girls to the ground, as volleyball player Payton McNabb was severely injured by a transgender opponent in 2022 and Democrats stay silent as Democrats proved during Trump’s speech when he recognized McNabb.

It is not a gray area. Senate Democrats recently and unanimously voted to protect transgender rights against women by refusing to support Republicans.

Democrat open borders policy that ushered in an untold number of foreign terrorists and deadly street gang members from Latin American prisons are to be protected. Anyone who threatens their power will be demonized and hounded by the jacobin mob that has been paid by U.S. tax dollars funneled through Dark Money and Soros operations via U.S. AID and other sources. These money funneling operations are protected by left-wing federal judges by Obama and his meat puppet who was on the Ukrainian payroll Joe Biden.

And street crime in the deep blue cities like Chicago are all but ignored to protect Democrat politics.

This is not the party of John F. Kennedy and Scoop Jackson. This is not the party of the Daleys of Chicago, or of  “Tip” O’Neill of Boston. This not the party of common sense as was Harry Truman. This is the party of Soros and the bloody French revolution.

Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., called out his party after President Donald Trump’s address to Congress, warning that the Democrats are now ignored, like a blaring car alarm.

“A sad cavalcade of self owns and unhinged petulance. It only makes Trump look more presidential and restrained. We’re becoming the metaphorical car alarms that nobody pays attention to—and it may not be the winning message,” the senator said in a post on X.


Most revealing the Democrats pointedly refused to stand and show some compassion for the 13-year-old cancer survivor D. J. Daniel–who was made an honorary U.S. Secret Service Agent during the speech. To make it worse, Democrats through their MSNBC high priestesses Rachel Maddow and Nicole Wallace mocked it all. D.J.’s father had this strong reaction for Maddow undermining his son’s moment.

And Democrats to their shame also snubbed the family of  Alexis Nungaray whose daughter 13-year-old Jocelyn was raped and murdered by illegal migrants allowed into the country by Biden Democrats, and they snubbed the family another murder victim Laken Reilly .

What will the Democrats do?

After Americans witnessed last week, after we saw the contempt the human wreckage of their policies, there is not much they can do.  They will try and scream their way to the mid-term elections, but if the Supreme Court upholds the president’s executive powers as expressed in the Constitution, all they have left are screams.

Many Democrats, from the hysterical lunatics performing on MSNBC to the taxpayer-funded Marxists of National Public Radio that joined other corporate media outlets in censoring and suppressing stories of Hunter Biden’s laptop were so amazed by Trump’s victory in November that they were left to gibber and gnash their teeth. And since his inauguration, Trump has moved rapidly to offer Americans what they wanted from government.

Not a handout. But common sense.

They can try and recapture what they had long championed and again become a party of the people, or they can continue following the discredited Clintons and Obamas down the sewer, while hoping against hope that Americans who rejected them in November 5 will be stupid enough to return to them for another beating.

After all, marketing is said to achieve miracles. Just ask the geniuses at Bud Light.