More Chinese Nationals Illegally Entered The U.S. In Two Days This Month Than In All Of 2021.

The implications are not just limited to espionage but extend to the potential for creating societal disruptions and furthering the CCP’s global influence campaign in America.

President Joe Biden has completely abandoned U.S. border security. Of the some 10 million people who have illegally entered America under Biden’s unwatchful reign, a particularly alarming threat has emerged: a massive increase in the number of Chinese nationals illegally crossing our borders.

This phenomenon not only underscores a significant breach in national security but also facilitates greater infiltration by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) into the United States, posing substantial risks not sufficiently addressed by current federal policies.

Chinese illegal immigration has shown a dramatic increase, with reports indicating that in just the first two days of May 2024, more Chinese nationals entered the U.S. illegally than in all of 2021. This stark rise is facilitated by an alarming oversimplification in the vetting process instituted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), reducing the number of interview questions for Chinese nationals from approximately 40 to just five. Such measures dangerously prioritize “processing efficiency” over thorough national security checks, leaving gaping vulnerabilities that could be exploited by the CCP to insert espionage agents or exert undue influence within our borders.

This “processing efficiency” has been made necessary by Biden’s lax border policies, which have resulted in border agents being so overwhelmed with illegal crossings and fraudulent asylum requests that fundamental national security measures have been abandoned.

Unrestricted Warfare

Given the geopolitical tensions and the CCP’s documented strategy of using nontraditional means for warfare — as highlighted in its doctrine of “Unrestricted Warfare,” which advocates for the use of various tactics including economic pressure, cyber-attacks, and ideological infiltration — the lack of rigorous screening and the high volume of unchecked entries is deeply concerning. The implications are not just limited to espionage but extend to the potential for creating societal disruptions and furthering the CCP’s global influence campaign in America.

The U.S. opioid crisis is not only a public health emergency but also a national security threat. Behind the scenes, the CCP is weaponizing the Mexican cartels in the U.S. by supplying them with precursor chemicals and synthetic drugs, such as fentanyl, that are used to produce deadly opioids, which are then trafficked across the border. The CCP is also facilitating the money laundering and financial transactions of the cartels by using Chinese banks, businesses, and networks to move and hide their illicit profits — profits that now include extensive illegal marijuana production and distribution networks run by so-called “snakeheads” — Chinese organized crime operating under CCP auspices.

The CCP’s strategy of drug warfare is neither new nor unique. Former CCP paramount leader Mao Zedong declared that “drug warfare, obtaining sudden and huge profits by spreading disaster in other countries,” was one of the “three great campaigns” of the Chinese revolution, along with guerrilla warfare and propaganda warfare. The CCP has also been accused of supporting and arming communist insurgencies and terrorist groups in Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Africa by providing them with drugs and weapons in exchange for loyalty and influence.

Surge in Border Crossers

The CCP leadership’s chemical and political warfare against the U.S. coincides with a surge in the number of Chinese illegal aliens crossing the southern border without authorization. According to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, more than 10,000 Chinese unlawful aliens have been apprehended since October 2022, compared to fewer than 500 in the same period in 2021. This increase may be attributed to various factors, such as the economic and social uncertainties and the limited personal freedoms in China, the demand for cheap labor, and the effectiveness of smugglers already positioned in the U.S.

The CCP has also operated covert police stations in several cities, such as New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Houston. These stations are staffed by “volunteers” who claim to provide services to Chinese nationals living abroad, such as renewing their driver’s licenses or passports. However, they are part of the CCP’s overseas repression operations, aimed at locating, intimidating, and silencing dissidents, activists, and critics of the regime. They may also serve to enforce Chinese law that requires all Chinese nationals to engage in espionage whenever ordered to do so. Operating through allied United Front organizations, they also work to undermine the credibility and legitimacy of the U.S. government and its institutions, creating divisions and conflicts among Americans.

The CCP police stations are part of the CCP’s broader strategy of hybrid warfare, which involves using various means of coercion, pressure, and destabilization against the U.S. and its allies, such as cyberattacks, espionage, disinformation, and weaponized migration. These tactics are designed to exploit the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of the U.S. and its allies and to erode their trust and confidence in their systems and values.

Border Security Is National Security

America’s border breakdown should also be viewed in the larger context of illegal immigration and its weaponization by foreign adversaries in recent years. Similar to tactics employed by Belarus against the European Union, mass migration is used as a tool to overwhelm systems, sow discord, and destabilize regions. In the U.S., this strategy aligns disturbingly well with the observed increase in Chinese illegal entries, suggesting a coordinated effort to exploit the U.S. immigration system’s current weaknesses.

The Biden administration’s approach to the crisis at the southern border has exacerbated these issues. Policies that emphasize humanitarian reception over stringent security measures have invited a flood of migrants, overwhelming Border Patrol and other security agencies. This not only diverts resources from addressing national security threats but also dilutes the effectiveness of measures meant to safeguard against the entry of individuals associated with transnational criminal organizations or foreign intelligence services.


Addressing this crisis requires focus and diligence, likely beyond the ability or the desire of the Biden administration to implement.

First, the U.S. must tighten its vetting processes for all entrants, especially from countries such as the People’s Republic of China, where the government is known to engage in extensive surveillance and influence operations abroad. Interview protocols must be comprehensive and rigorous, abandoning today’s reckless abandonment of vetting procedures.

Additionally, there must be an increased focus on collaboration between federal and state entities to manage border security effectively. Texas, under Gov. Greg Abbott, has borne the brunt of these security lapses by taking steps to protect its borders and residents at the cost of some $2 billion annually. However, without robust federal support and a coordinated effort that prioritizes national security, state measures can only go so far. Even so, the Biden administration has sued Texas over every effort the Lone Star State has taken to secure its border with Mexico.

Finally, the U.S. must reevaluate its immigration policies to ensure they reflect the complex realities of modern geopolitical conflicts and threats. The weaponization of migration as a tactic by state actors like China must be recognized and countered with strong, decisive policy actions that secure the borders and, by extension, the nation.

The need for vigilance and proactive measures becomes increasingly apparent. Border security is national security. America must not only secure its borders but also understand the multifaceted threats posed by nations that seek to use migration as a weapon. Failure to act will result in irreversible consequences to our national security and sovereignty.