Imagine what could happen if the enemies of our country, our freedoms, and our way of life were to gain access to military bases. It’s a frightening situation to think about, so it’s a good thing we don’t have to because the sentries at the gate (unlike many in the current administration) know the stakes and won’t kowtow to DEI, political politeness, or whatever the sucker-punch game of the day is. Beyond those gates are the very reasons they are willing to give their lives.

Concerning Trend: Foreign Nationals Probing Military Bases While Commander-in-Chief Naps.

We won’t soon forget KJP saying it’s “inappropriate” for anyone to assume that the President needs a nap, especially because Joe Biden himself told Democratic governors two days ago that he was no longer scheduling events after 8 p.m. so he can sleep, according to CNN. While President Biden catches up on his ZzZs, America’s enemies are actively working to bring death and destruction to America.

It’s been a month since the public became aware of a disturbing trend: foreign nationals attempting to penetrate U.S. military bases and surveil the homes of high-ranking officers. Acknowledged by the Navy when Admiral Daryl Caudle, U.S. Fleet Forces Commander, sat down with Fox News’ Bill Hemmer on America’s Newsroom:

Base protocol dictates that every passenger 16 years of age and older in every vehicle that approaches the gate is required to show appropriate identification. For active duty service members, their dependents, and civilian contractors who have authorized access to the installation, this means providing a formal DOD ID card that, when scanned, produces a matching image on the sentry’s handheld machine.

Visitors are required to register at a brick-and-mortar facility just outside the gates; this usually entails a photograph, digital fingerprint, background check, and a formal DOD ID card holder to serve as sponsor. After that process, the visitors are required to produce their permission slip and government-issued ID in the presence of their sponsor, who also presents their ID, at the gate and upon request at any time while on the base.

Those who approach the gate without the proper identification are escorted around the barricades and sent back into the free world. Over the ten years I’ve been accessing military bases as a dependent, I’ve personally witnessed dozens of cars, shady vans, legit delivery drivers new to the route, and even cyclists turned away. No ID, no entry. Expired ID, no entry. Sob story excuse, no entry.

If you have any connection to a military base, you know this. If you don’t have any connection to a military base, you do not need to know this. So, why, pray tell, is the Navy alone stopping foreign nationals “two or three times a week” at the gate?

As the Commander-in-Chief, Joe Biden is ultimately responsible for the safety and security of our military personnel. The 13 Gold Star Families made at the Abbey Gate in Kabul, Afghanistan may have some opinions worth listening to about the President’s take on all of that.

But that was there and this disturbing trend is here on American soil, all because of Biden’s refusal to close our country’s borders.

RussianChineseJordanian, and Iranian military-aged males posing as delivery drivers, students, military history enthusiasts, and tourists are all turned away by some of the most patient, stoic people in the armed forces. Is it any wonder President Trump is keeping Biden’s border disaster and all of its consequences at the forefront of his campaign? After all, one of the defining characteristics of a sovereign state is a defined and recognized border.

We have seen over and over President Biden’s total disregard for privacy, security, and safety as it pertains to the U.S. borders he’s “deliberately erased“:

Imagine what could happen if the enemies of our country, our freedoms, and our way of life were to gain access to military bases. It’s a frightening situation to think about, so it’s a good thing we don’t have to because the sentries at the gate (unlike many in the current administration) know the stakes and won’t kowtow to DEI, political politeness, or whatever the sucker-punch game of the day is. Beyond those gates are the very reasons they are willing to give their lives.