“Unburdened by what has been” so They Can Impose Communism

Why would Kamala Harris say this same nonsensical phrase over and over and over?

What can be, unburdened by what has been”

Because it’s a spell. She is literally using sorcery to cast a spell on people. This is amplified by the media, repeated over and over. Harris is a communist and communism takes power using spells, charms and “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun” as Mao famously said.

The best thing to do is to ignore and not listen. If there are people you know who listened, they will be falling under her spell. This is high level witchcraft and many of the top women in politics are part of this group.
This technique was also used by communists in Russia and China.

Poster promoting Mao in China with similar sentiments: “Smash the old world, build a new world, by Shanghai red guard “smashing the four old shams” grand rebellion army”

Here is a very good video that explains an interpretation of this phrase with the perspective from Russian and Chinese communism. Mao smashed the “four olds” and Lenin wanted to create “the new man”, both unburdened by the history of the past. Do you understand why the statues are being torn down, eliminating any reference to our past history? This is what unburdening is about. Destroy the past and all history so there is no reference point in the future.

What were some other spells? 6 feet of social distancing, public ceremonies that invoke sun worshiper or Satanic incantations (e.g. the Olympic opening ceremony or the Oscars) mask wearing, etc. all come to mind. They use these spells because they work on most people.

If you were wondering why they choose incompetent people for these jobs, David Sacks believes:

The fact that first Joe Biden and now Kamala Harris cannot speak coherently without a teleprompter is not a bug but a feature for the staffers who run the presidency. The Party is more comfortable vesting authority in a politburo than a chief executive.

The chief executive is being replaced with a Politburo. A live human is not a requirement for the job, in fact an avatar or clone like “Betty Crocker” is more useful. It won’t say the wrong thing, will do exactly as told and never age, get sick or die. They will replace all history with their history for the future Glory of the Party!