Be ready. Buy guns and ammunition.

The Democrats’ Open Border Has Started a Countdown to a Bloodbath

It’s getting worse out there, and it’s getting scary, but America doesn’t have anybody in the driver’s seat. We have a crusty, desiccated zombie pretending to be president on a permanent vacation as he stares slack-jawed at “Matlock” reruns while his understudy vibes and brats around the country trying to re-up this incompetent administration for another four years of disaster. The terrifying reality is that we have millions upon millions of Third World illegal aliens on the loose within our country, and among them are not only your run-of-the-mill criminals – we have a hell of a lot of those – but terrorists who want to murder us right here in our own homes. And the Democrats are doubling down on supporting the enemy.

That’s literally true. The Democratic Party is the party of Hamas and of the murderers of 10/7 – the Dem base has made it very clear what side it is on. Hint: It ain’t ours. But don’t worry, those Palestinian schmucks aren’t the only psychotic jihadi terrorists they are enabling.

Within the last couple of weeks, the FBI took a break from hassling praying grandmas to bust a terrorist who was about to go on a killing spree in New York City. He was associated with ISIS. You remember ISIS, right? That was the Middle Eastern murder group that Donald Trump pounded into insignificance. Well, like Islamist herpes, it’s back under the Democrats. ISIS is a thing again both overseas and here at home. We just had seven Army soldiers wounded in a firefight with ISIS scumbags in Iraq. You won’t have heard about that in the media because the resurrection of ISIS doesn’t support the joy narrative. ISIS is not brat. What would Joe Biden say about it coming back to life under his watch anyway? “Where’s my shawl and my mush?” What would Kamala Harris have to say about it? Not a damn thing – she’s been too busy promising tax increases to government union employees in her brand new and totally authentic Baptist preacher voice. What would Walz have to say about it? “I personally defeated ISIS while carrying weapons of war during one of my many deployments to Iraq, so it’s Trump’s fault that ISIS is coming back! But I’m not saying ISIS is bad – I want those Michigan votes!”

But ISIS and others are coming here – hell, they are already here and are greeted with open arms by the Democratic administration. You need to understand that. And it’s not only the Muslim terrorists. We now have the Tren de Aragua gang as well to add to other gangs, like MS 13, that the Democrats have imported as part of their program of cultural enrichment. This particular criminal gang has taken over parts of Aurora, Colorado, where it has occupied a bunch of apartment buildings. When people complained to the local government – Democrats, of course – the government did nothing until it started getting attention in the local news. Then, the government took stern action. It filed an eviction proceeding. You have gangs that have actively taken over apartment buildings, and the most the Democrats will do is sue them. I have a different idea. Go in, grab all of them, and toss their butts back over the border where they belong.

Since when did Third World scumbags take precedence over Americans? Well, since the Democrats took over in 2021.

Welcome to Springfield, Ohio. It’s a nice town of about 60,000 that the administration decided needed about 20,000 Haitians – flown in directly from Haiti, mind you. Injecting this wonderful diversity from arguably the worst place on the planet into a nice little Midwestern town has had the predictable effect. Remember all those swans and ducks that used to swim in the park? They’re gone. The Haitians ate them. They’ve also eaten pet cats and dogs. Yeah, they’re eating peoples’ pets, slaughtering and butchering them, and turning them into lunch. I guess the cash they’re getting from all of us for the privilege of being here illegally isn’t enough – they have to chow down on Fido. Naturally, the American citizens of Springfield are disgusted by this, as well as the other crime and pathological behavior they’re seeing. What does the government say? “Shut up, racists. Also, you’re probably transphobes.”

This is all coming to a head like a giant pustule, and it’s going to burst. As it becomes increasingly clear that Kamala Harris will not win this election, any incentive our enemies had for holding back in order not to give Trump a spike in support is vanishing – you bet our enemies want Kamala to get elected. Here is the terrifying truth – we are in line for a massive and bloody terrorist attack in the very near future.

I wrote about this threat earlier this year in my new novel, “The Attack.” The bottom line is that when you throw your border wide open and actively subsidize the free entry of illegal aliens, some of them are going to be killers. You are allowing our many enemies to set us up for a disastrous assault. And we do have enemies, all of whom are smart, cunning, and eager to hurt us where we are most vulnerable, right here at home. That’s one thing the Democrats cannot seem to accept. Now, that’s not to say that the Democrats don’t believe America has enemies. To them, normal patriotic Americans are America’s enemies, and so are our allies. Is there a single actual enemy United States that the Democrats treat as badly as Israel? The Houthis are lobbing missiles at our ships every day, and all Joe Biden ever says about the Middle East is that Benjamin Netanyahu hasn’t surrendered enough to Hamas, which incidentally just butchered an American without any consequences.

No, we Americans are vulnerable here at home, as the latest trans weirdo killer just proved. One untrained, delusional freak shot four people in just a few minutes. What if there were two killers? Well, we know what happened with two untrained idiots in Boston armed with a few handguns and some pressure cooker bombs. They managed to shut down a major metropolitan area for several days while the police tried to swoop them up. So, what happens if we have ten killers? Or 100 killers? Or 1,000 killers? Or 10,000 killers?

That’s not outside the realm of possibility. As I detail in “The Attack,” this scenario is not only possible but likely. There are maybe 20 million illegal aliens in this country because the Democrats won’t defend our border. That’s a conservative estimate, by the way. If just .0005% are terrorists, that’s 10,000 terrorists, folks. And imagine if our enemies smuggle in an AK and some mags for each of them. These killers don’t need to be trained much beyond how to operate this very simple gun, a gun basically designed for low-IQ tribesmen to operate effectively with about an hour of training. Do you think they can’t smuggle 10,000 guns into the country? Who’s going to stop them? We’re losing tens of thousands of people to fentanyl every year, and that stuff is illegal and smuggled in. No, this threat, which I highlight in my novel, is very real and very scary.

It’s an easy matter to essentially build up a guerrilla infantry division inside the United States. You organize them in small groups, tell them where to be had a given time, and to basically shoot everybody they see. They don’t need logistical support. They don’t need intelligence support. They don’t need command control. They’ve already got that – if it moves and it’s not in hijab or a man-dress, put bullets in it. And they will have plenty of allies among the left on and off our college campuses who constantly tell us that they want us dead.

The effect of such an attack would be devastating. We have seen how quickly our police get overwhelmed by other individual shooter and terrorist events. Now imagine hundreds of these events going on simultaneously across the country. The police would be fighting for their lives. The military couldn’t mobilize quickly enough. That leaves…us. We will have to be our own first line of defense. If you’re in a free state where you can, carry a weapon because you don’t know when all hell is going to break loose. You better be ready. There’s no cavalry coming. It’s you or nobody. Arm yourself. Train. Learn basic medical care, like stopping the bleeding. Make a plan for your family. Don’t be caught unprepared.

According to Democrats, America’s big problem is patriotic Americans with AR-15s. Baloney. Patriotic Americans with AR-15s are the solution. That’s what we need because we’re the ones who are going to have to stop this when it happens. Whether it’s some mutant who thinks that he’s a chick despite his penis or thousands of America-hating terrorists ushered into the United States from the depths of the Third World by a Democrat government that hates actual Americans, we’ve never been in more danger. There’s no reason for them not to launch their attack now. Kamala Harris will lose – they don’t have to worry about helping Trump because he will win anyway. So, the clock is ticking, and it’s only a matter of time before our enemies strike.

Be ready. Buy guns and ammunition.