Oops: MSNBC said the quiet part out loud.

 Kamala Must Lie about Being a Liberal and Pretend to Be a Moderate, Just Like Tim Walz Did.

Hayes Brown, an MSNBC writer and editor, wrote a new column today, entitled “What to make of Kamala Harris’ move to the center.” It’s an eye-opening observation and/or admission from the Democratic Party’s base. As you likely suspect, the Radical Left views the 2024 presidential election differently than Team MAGA: It’s not about making America great again, but tricking Americans into voting for a candidate who’s out of step with the voters’ ethos, goals, fears, and priorities.

And the role model for Kamala Harris’s trickery? None other than Tim Walz.

“[Kamala’s] attention is now fully on barnstorming the purple areas of swing states,” Brown wrote, “focused less on appeasing the progressive base of the party than on winning over whichever voters are still making up their minds about how to vote in November — or if at all. The result has been a campaign that’s burning through the fuel the base provided when she became the nominee.”

Alas, the only way to attract the middle, it seems, is to forego the wackier, more controversial positions of the Radical Left. In Brown’s mind, it’s a risky tradeoff.

“The goal is to convert that [progressive] energy into enough moderate votes to eke out a win against former President Donald Trump,” Brown noted. “In the process, she has steadily shed the stances she took when vying against 19 other candidates to court the progressive left in 2019.”

In a kind, nonjudgmental way, Brown pointed out that Harris has switched positions more often than an OnlyFans model.

If it were a Republican who abandoned key policy positions overnight, then to MSNBC, this would surely be emblematic of a dishonest, Machiavellian, racist politician who’ll say and do anything to get elected, of course. But since it’s a Democrat, well, it’s just par for the course. Just another day at the office!

When in Rome, ya know.

In Brown’s eyes, “Joe Biden ran as the most moderate candidate [in 2020], a position [Biden] argued made him the most likely to beat the incumbent Trump. Once he’d become the presumptive nominee, however, Biden did something unusual: He moved to the left.”

Very respectfully to Mr. Brown: There’s absolutely NOTHING unusual about a Democrat campaigning as a moderate and then switching to a liberal. It happens all the time. This IS the Democratic playbook! Frankly, it would’ve been far more “unusual” if a Democrat actually governed as the same thing he campaigned on… but that doesn’t happen, because liberal policies fare poorly on Election Day.

It’s easier to seize power when you lie.

“Policywise, this has meant shying away from some of the positions Harris took before assuming the vice presidency,” Brown wrote. “Her campaign has disavowed her support for a mandatory buyback program for assault weapons, for example, as well as her previous openness to expanding the Supreme Court. Any former support for ‘Medicare for All’ or banning fracking has been tucked into a box and shelved in the darkest recesses of the Naval Observatory. These are still good policies, in my view, but not the sort of thing Harris wanted to have in the spotlight.”

And why must Harris do all this? Why must she strike these ideas from the spotlight? Is it because these policies are wildly unpopular and would cost her undecided voters and make her lose critical swing states, such as Pennsylvania?

Nah. The answer, of course, is racism:

“It’s apparently much easier for a typical voter to look at Harris and believe that a black female Democrat is much more liberal than her current agenda or background as a prosecutor would suggest,” Brown fumed. “How else does one explain why 47% of respondents in a recent New York Times-Siena College poll said she is ‘too liberal or progressive,’ while 49% thought that Trump of all people is neither too liberal nor too conservative?”

Very respectfully to Mr. Brown, part II: Perhaps the reason why a “typical voter” has concluded that Kamala Harris is too liberal is because Kamala Harris is… too liberal? (Not to go all Occam’s razor on everyone, but sometimes the simplest explanation is the right one.) Just because the left is fixated on race doesn’t mean that the American people are.

And the utter disdain Brown has for the “typical voter” could still be felt thousands of miles away. He doesn’t think highly of the American people —and it shows. His political party views us as deplorables and weirdos, so it ought to be expected.

Still, the ultimate “mic drop” moment in his column comes at the very end. In Brown’s opinion, when it comes to brazenly lying to the American people, Kamala Harris has the perfect role model: Tim Walz.

“It is an encouraging sign that she picked Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota as her running mate,” Brown opined. “Walz also won office after initially campaigning as a center-of-the-road Democrat. But when both houses in the state Legislature went blue in 2022, he didn’t hesitate to use that slim majority to advance progressive legislation.”

(Such as revamping Minnesota’s abortion laws, which resulted in at least eight babies dying after being born alive, post-abortion.)

This is going to be a bait-and-switch, folks. The Democrats are lying to you. But it’s your fault; this is what you deserve… for being a no-good, lousy racist. Hey, what choice did they have?

But YOU still have a choice. Use it wisely on Tuesday, November 5.