Ultimately, there are no easy solutions to the complex problem of school shootings. But we can make our schools far safer without sacrificing our fundamental freedoms

The Best Way To Prevent School Shootings Is Armed Staff

In the wake of tragic school shootings like Apalachee High School in Georgia, our nation grapples with a critical question: How do we best protect our children?

Sadly, too often, the debate devolves quickly into partisan talking points. The Biden-Harris administration seized on this tragedy to call for more laws that would restrict Americans’ right to self-defense, but which would have done nothing to stop this shooting. In fact, at both the federal and state levels, it is already illegal for a 14-year-old to purchase and possess a firearm, but, neither those laws nor others, like the Gun-Free School Zones Act, deterred this evil.

More recently on the debate stage, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris attempted to amend her clear anti-gun record, despite previously voicing support for confiscating guns as a candidate in 2020.

It’s crucial to set politics aside and approach this debate with facts.

The reality is that many of our schools remain soft targets, vulnerable to those intent on causing harm. “Gun-free zone” signs offer false security, deterring only the law-abiding. We need a multifaceted strategy that hardens schools as targets while empowering responsible adults to protect themselves and those in their care.

A cornerstone of this approach should be allowing trained, willing school staff to carry concealed firearms. To be clear, this isn’t about forcing guns into unwilling hands but about giving educators a choice. Law enforcement or even trained security personnel cannot be everywhere simultaneously, and when seconds matter, even a tiny percentage of armed staff can make a difference.

Armed Educators and Security Officers

This strategy has already been implemented successfully in numerous school districts across the country. In fact, numerous localities in more than 30 states allow staff to effectively protect children by carrying a firearm on campus, however, the Barrow County School System, where Apalachee High School is located, is not one of them.

When properly trained, armed educators pose no risk to students. Instead, they provide an invaluable layer of protection, capable of responding immediately to threats. Educators undergo a background check to work in schools, so we already know these are people without criminal records.

Furthermore, school districts that implement these policies must also ensure firearms are properly stored. Gun storage is an essential component of gun safety. Using gun safes, lock boxes, and other security measures can prevent unauthorized access, especially by students.

Organizations such as the U.S. Concealed Carry Association have trained and educated millions of Americans, including many school staff personnel, in firearms and self-defense fundamentals and this training has unquestionably helped save lives.

Complementing armed staff, schools should increase the presence of trained security personnel. Whether school resource officers (SROs) or private security, having dedicated professionals on campus provides critical protection. These individuals can respond quickly to threats and in fact, that’s exactly what happened at Apalachee High School. Thank heaven there was an armed SRO on campus who engaged the suspect, forced his surrender, and prevented the further loss of life.

Kamala Harris Wanted Officers Out

Given her rhetoric in the immediate aftermath of this tragedy, it’s worth noting that as a candidate for president in 2019, then-Sen. Kamala Harris supported “taking police officers out of schools.” In other words, this tragedy could have been far worse if schools around the country, including Apalachee High School, had followed her lead and adopted a policy of no armed security on campus.

Physical security measures are equally important. Schools need secure entry points, reinforced doors and windows, comprehensive camera systems, and advanced communication networks. Regular security audits and drills are essential to identify vulnerabilities and ensure preparedness. However, it’s crucial to implement these measures thoughtfully, maintaining a welcoming learning environment.

Misguided Restrictions

While these proactive security measures are vital, we must reject misguided attempts to address school shootings by restricting the right of law-abiding Americans to protect themselves and their loved ones. The constitutional right to keep and bear arms is fundamental to a free society. Law-abiding gun owners are not the problem — they’re an essential part of the solution.

History has shown that expanding gun-free zones or imposing new restrictions on law-abiding citizens does little to deter those intent on doing harm. It only renders more people defenseless in the face of evil. The tired refrain of “do something” often leads to knee-jerk legislation that infringes on the rights of millions while failing to address the root causes of violence.

Instead of fixating on divisive gun control measures, we should focus on mental health resources, improving threat assessment protocols, and fostering a culture of awareness and reporting. Early intervention is critical to preventing troubled individuals from reaching the point of violence.

Critics may argue that more guns in schools will lead to accidents or unintended consequences. But the data doesn’t support this fear. Schools that have implemented armed staff or increased security have not seen an uptick in firearms-related incidents. Proper training and clear protocols mitigate risks while providing potentially life-saving protection.

Ultimately, there are no easy solutions to the complex problem of school shootings. But we can make our schools far safer without sacrificing our fundamental freedoms by taking a balanced approach that combines enhanced physical security, armed protection, mental health resources, and a commitment to preserving constitutional rights.

Our children deserve to learn in a safe and free environment. We can provide them with exactly that by moving beyond partisan rhetoric and embracing pragmatic solutions. It’s time to set aside ideological purity in favor of real-world results. Our students’ lives and our nation’s future depend on it.