Now, consider this. The national demoncraps did it to themselves even earlier.
The election numbers anomaly was called out 4 years ago, but there were just too many people, politicians and otherwise, who didn’t want to open that door.

Well, if they had let Trump win, as he likely should have, the election yesterday would have been for who would succeed him, as he would be term limited out.
I think DeSantis would have run and likely won, as Newsom would have been the likely opposition. We sure wouldn’t have seen Harris running.

But, here we are; Trump is ‘back on the menu’ and as SloJoe only got to replace one flaming airhead liberal on the Supreme Court with another, we may see a new batch of younger, and hopefully better on the RKBA than Barrett and Kavanaugh, replacement Justices.

And what will 2028 look like? We’ll likely see Vance run, as well as DeSantis. The only question is which demoncrap will survive that party’s primaries? I think Harris will try again, but Newsom, Whitmer and a bunch more see her like a shark smells blood in the water.