1st-Time Gun Ownership Reportedly Spikes as Anti-Gunners Realize 2nd Amendment Freedom Is Vital
Leave it to a worldwide existential crisis to align moral values.
As toilet paper and hand sanitizer fly from store shelves, be certain to count something else in, as well: guns. Lots of guns.
According to one report, gun sales have dramatically increased.
And what’s more, so have gun sales to first-time buyers.
“I’ve sold 12 handguns in two hours,” Gabriel Vaughn of Sportman’s Arms in Petaluma, California, told KTVU.
“People that tell me that they don’t like guns, but they’re here to begrudgingly buy one,” Vaughn said. “If it makes somebody feel safe, sure, and they’re legal to own one, then sure.”
Ammunition sales are also spiking. According to Yahoo Finance, sales at Ammo.com are up by 68 percent. Alex Horsman, Ammo.com’s marketing manager, knows why.
“We know certain things impact ammo sales, mostly political events or economic instability when people feel their rights may end up infringed,” Horsman said. “But this is our first experience with a virus leading to such a boost in sales.”
“A lot of our customers like to be prepared. And for many of them, it’s not just face masks and Theraflu. It’s knowing that no matter what happens, they can keep themselves and their families safe.”
Sometimes it takes a crisis that puts everyone at risk for folks to rediscover fundamental moral values — like having the means to protect themselves and others.
These values are so intrinsic to our humanity that they made their way into America’s founding documents, namely the Constitution.
Under uncertain, stressful conditions, plenty of folks come to a conclusion they might not have reached otherwise: It’s best not to take chances.
In other words, firearms are just as essential to a family’s crisis supplies as water, foodstuffs and medicine…………