“Don’t let them put the mask of reasonableness back on.
These are not reasonable people.
These are not patriotic Americans.
These are certainly not “smart” people.”

Coronavirus Inspires Clowns to Self-Identify.

A series of grumpy thoughts.

The other day, I was mostly amused by the newly popular charge of bigotry that was zipping around Twitter. Lefties gonna lefty, right?

Now, however, I’m legitimately angry that this bullshit is still being spread. Are we really doing this? Are we really treating pro-CCP propaganda as legitimate? We’re talking about a government that right now is frog-marching its ethnic minorities into concentration camps. We’re talking about a government that muzzled its own doctors when they attempted to sound warnings last fall about this emergent disease — and a government that rejected offers of US aid.

Obviously, this should not blow back on ordinary East Asian people. It’s not their fault the Chinese government is evil. But take care in your zeal to appear unprejudiced that you don’t cover up the truth: COVID-19 originated in China. The Chinese government then tried to cover it up, which permitted the virus to spread beyond Chinese borders. If you’re actually buying into the narrative that calling this disease the Wuhan Virus or the Chinese Virus is racist, you’re a dupe at best — and the rest of us are absolutely within our rights to flip you off and call you names.

Also, I’m a little confused: What exactly was Trump supposed to do weeks ago? Because I guaran-damn-tee that if he had been aggressive any earlier – if, for example, he had restricted foreign travel before the panic set in – his detractors would’ve complained about his xenophobia.

Yes, the feds were slow to respond. But how much of that was Trump, how much of that was the bureaucracy and its standing regulations, and how much of that was a lack of reliable data? We must carefully tease out all sources of error; tarring Trump alone with the blame is the simpleton’s response.

There are many things the administration is doing right now that are sound reactions to the situation. Pushing back the tax deadline? Yes, good idea. Allowing people to consult with their doctors remotely? Also a good idea. Bringing in private-sector partners to distribute more test kits to the public? Excellent! Devolving some of the responsibility to state and local governments? Eminently constitutional — despite what a certain idiot at the Bulwark thinks.

The roll-out of all of this was not without its hiccups, but try to have some perspective. There are very few countries who are dealing with this pandemic 100% successfully. Actually, most of Europe is doing much, much worse.

ETA: I’m kicking myself for forgetting this, but all y’all Twitter socialists posting galaxy-brained hot takes about our temporarily empty grocery aisles can kindly STFU. Yes: a capitalist nation in a crisis looks like a socialist nation on any random Tuesday. By Jove, you’ve got us!

Lastly, if you’re reading this, you probably know this already, but: you can’t trust anything the mainstream media report. They lie routinely about everything Trump and his surrogates say; indeed, in just the past few days, the media have spread rumors about a national quarantine (false) and have claimed that Trump told states looking for respirators that they were on their own (also false). So for heaven’s sake, double and triple check anything alarming you hear on the news before you go off half-cocked — because the probability approaches one that if it sounds scary, it’s been purposefully distorted.

Stay calm, stay alert, and God bless you all.