Bubble-Wrapped Americans: How the U.S. Became Obsessed With Physical and Emotional Safety

It’s a common refrain: We have bubble-wrapped the world. Americans in particular are obsessed with “safety.” The simplest way to get any law passed in America, be it a zoning law or a sweeping reform of the intelligence community, is to invoke a simple sentence: “A kid might get hurt.”

Almost no one is opposed to reasonable efforts at making the world a safer place. But the operating word here is “reasonable.” Banning lawn darts, for example, rather than just telling people that they can be dangerous when used by unsupervised children, is a perfect example of a craving for safety gone too far.

Beyond the realm of legislation, this has begun to infect our very culture. Think of things like “trigger warnings” and “safe spaces.” These are part of broader cultural trends in search of a kind of “emotional safety” – a purported right to never be disturbed or offended by anything. This is by no means confined to the sphere of academia, but is also in our popular culture, both in “extremely online” and more mainstream variants.

Why are Americans so obsessed with safety? What is the endgame of those who would bubble wrap the world, both physically and emotionally? Perhaps most importantly, what can we do to turn back the tide and reclaim our culture of self-reliancemental toughness, and giving one another the benefit of the doubt so that we don’t “bankrupt ourselves in the vain search for absolute security,” as President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about?

2 thoughts on “”

  1. Not teaching personal responsibility nor the importance of accepting consequences for personal decisions nor encouraging the willingness to mature and accept those things as a part of life has lead to a culture of blame where we allow an idiot who spilled her coffee to become a millionaire at the expense of a corporation. That is but one example of the idiocy that permeates our society. This has also lead to a culture of fear. A large part of the reason for this is that we as a nation have turned our backs on the faith of our fathers in the Providence of Almighty God, so we have shrunk back to depending solely on our finite ability to preserve our life and liberty – and have found the frightening truth that we can NOT secure nor extend our life indefinitely. But still we cling to our right to do as we see fit and attempt to force others to fear life and liberty as we do. No wonder we’ve become a nation of shirkers and fear riddled incompetents.

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