It’s good these idjits seek such publicity. Names, pictures, locations.
These are people are, by their own admission, openly communist at their very core.

Their work of ‘abolition’ is for defunding and deleting the police so they’ll have an easier time prosecuting their communist revolution,
or so they think.

pro worker? Workers of the world, unite! The old cry of the COMINTERN, the Communist International in the Communist Manifesto.

anti-nation state = anti America
anti-capitalism = anti the freedom to make, buy, sell and keep the profit of whatever you want to do…or not
pro-revolution = a communist revolution

All right there in their own ‘poster’.

Of course they’re dilettantes; Clueless amateurs who are the ‘useful idiots’ being manipulated by those behind the scenes who simply want to be the ones who control things for their own power grabbing agenda.

Left-Wing Groups Take Up Arms in Name of Abolitionist John Brown

On a recent Wednesday evening Renee Maxwell was giving a presentation to about 15 people in front of the Boone County Courthouse in Columbia, Missouri. Soon that crowd doubled, thanks to protestors wrapping up their Black Lives Matter demonstration nearby.

“It was certainly the biggest audience we’ve had since we started doing these kinds of presentations,” Maxwell said.

Maxwell was hosting a “Path to Abolition” workshop, where she discussed ways community members could reallocate funds from local police and invest in other social programs. The talk was followed by a breakout session where attendees discussed specific ways they could reduce their reliance on the police in their everyday lives.