Angela Davis; avowed marxist and communist.
What an awful author to teach children from.

How Libraries Are Indoctrinating Kids To Think All White People Are Racists
The ‘anti-racist’ books being pushed by the American Library Association replace history with the politics of resentment and fuel the flames of anger.

As he watched Joseph Stalin’s coffin removed from Red Square in 1961, Yevgeny Yevtushenko asked, “But how to remove Stalin from Stalin’s heirs.” For us, in 2020 the question becomes: “How to remove racism from the anti-racists?”

According to Ibram X. Kendi, a rising scholar of the white disorder called racism, there is no such thing as being non-racist. You are either a purposeful anti-racist or a racist. No neutral ground exists. To be “color-blind” is a ruse. Since racism is the original sin of Euro-Americans, to be anti-racist is to be … well, you finish the sentence.

Even the American Library Association has genuflected to the unspoken substructure of the anti-racist meme. Amid protests following the death of George Floyd, the ALA issued a press release heaving with self-accusation. It confessed:

The American Library Association (ALA) accepts and acknowledges its role in upholding unjust systems of racism and discrimination against Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) within the association and the profession.

We recognize that the founding of our Association was not built on inclusion and equity, but instead was built on systemic racism and discrimination in many forms. We also recognize the hurt and harm done to BIPOC library workers and communities due to these racist structures.

Penitent librarians rushed to promote “an anti-racist reading list,” a round-up of titles and authors suited to grievance studies seminars and mandatory re-education workshops. The keynote was struck by the collected pensées of former Black Panther and police abolitionist Angela Davis, and Kendi’s instructions to white people on how to disown the racism of good intentions and become anti-racist.

Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility was inevitable, as was Michael Eric Dyson’s Tears We Cannot Stop: a Sermon to White America, and anything by slavery reparations advocate Ta-Nehisi Coates. Layla Saad’s Me and White Supremacy comes straight to the point. It declares all Caucasians “complicit in white supremacy due to their melanin count.”