Hey Hobie! One here for you.

Staunton council to hold public hearing regarding 2nd amendment

STAUNTON, Va. (WVIR) – In Staunton, a special meeting over the second amendment is now planned for next week.

Council will hold a public hearing using both virtual and in-person participation. The meeting will be held at City Hall on Thursday, October 29 at 6 p.m.

At Council’s last meeting, the majority of council members voted to revisit talks of becoming a “second amendment sanctuary”. Several cities and counties deemed themselves as such to make it clear they will not use public funds to restrict second amendment rights.

A notice from the city says people can take part both in-person or virtually. The meeting will held on zoom, and will be accessible online here: www.staunton.va.us/cogord2020-04 and https://www.ci.staunton.va.us/home/showdocument?id=9758.