This is the ‘revenge politics’ the demoncraps want. It’s exactly the same thing that the marxist/socialist dictators have done since the early 1900s.
As biased as they already are, I’m actually surprised twitter did this

Twitter Removes Lincoln Project Tweet With Trump Lawyers’ Contact Info

Twitter has removed a tweet from the Lincoln Project that exposed the contact information of two attorneys who are currently representing President Donald Trump, a practice known as “doxxing,” the Washington Examiner reports.

The official Twitter account for the Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump political action group created by several former Republicans, posted the phone numbers and emails of two lawyers with the law firm Porter Wright Morris & Arthur, who are both representing Trump, with the message: “Here are two attorneys attempting to help Trump overturn the will of the Pennsylvanian people. Make them famous.”

The Examiner notes that “doxxing” is defined by Merriam-Webster as “to publicly identify or publish private information about (someone) especially as a form of punishment or revenge.”

A spokesperson for Twitter told the Examiner: “The account owner will be required to delete the violative tweet before regaining access to their account.”