We got where we are by being quiet and polite

 No More Silence Now.

I apologize for what I’m about to do. No truly, because no one deserves this ear worm. But it’s time to shout.

Shout, shout, let it all out.


This was brought about by an article from Glenn Reynolds who says that despite the fact none of us agrees with woke BS, a tiny minority is succeeding in silencing the majority.

He’s right on that. what he’s wrong on is the roots of this: how we got where we are. How the left came to be in control. Why they think they can impose their crazy ideology and that “if anyone opposes it” (And I guarantee that’s how they look at it) it’s just “Some uneducated rednecks.” How we got to the point when the left is completely ignorant of history or really anything and trying to recreate the cultural revolution because they feel no one will oppose them.

What Glenn is missing, partly because honestly he was much further to the left 20 years ago, and partly because even the right lied to itself about it back then, is that anyone who was right enough to be conscious of how at odds they were with the loud sources of culture and what they then assumed was the majority has been biting his or her tongue for at least 35 years. I can’t say anything about before, because I wasn’t here.

I wasn’t at professional gatherings, where Republican presidents were referred to as the next incarnation of Hitler, and general applause was expected. I wasn’t at parties of well educated people where it was assumed “we’re all leftists together.”

But I presume, from books and conversations written from that time, that it was as bad at least 10 years before. Or call it 15.

For fifty years now, the way to signal you were upper class was to repeat at best euro-socialist and at worst outright communist shibboleths about how bad America was, how backward, and how great everywhere else was.

When the Soviet Union fell, the opinion amonth the bien pensants in the west was that “the good guys lost.”

For my entire life, if you aspired to a life in the arts, the sciences, or anything beyond semi-skilled (and even then) and you were a conservative, you’d BEST keep your mouth shut, and at worst signal centrist. And expect to pay for being centrist. For the last twenty years, the way to get ahead was to signal communist. Anything less than that, and you’d be hampering yourself. At best you’d be considered not very smart, at worst you’d be assumed to be evil.

Think back at all the loud political conversations you ever heard in public: not one of them signaled right. Think about ALL the political stuff you ever got from professional associations; at professional meetings; at family parties.

For the longest time we could tell the conservatives in our midst, because they were always quiet on the politics, no matter how crazy things got. ALWAYS.

This is no longer always true. As it’s not longer always true that the loud politics in public are always left. We’re starting to sometimes, here and there, hear the right lose their shit in public. We’re starting to see the right refusing to be cowed by the bullshit when told that their side is evil-bad or when someone is held up as a monster for resisting the left.

I think the left has been in a (worse than normal) panic since they realized despite all their demonization Kyle Rittenshouse became an immediate folk hero. That is why there is razor wire around the capital, and why they have a love-hate relationship with those guarding them. Because they know the tide is turning.

Not that they want to admit it. Thereby they invent Quanon and other “conspiracies’ whipping up the people. Because it can’t be that they never had the people, they just had control of the means of mass communication AND managed to cow everyone who dissented into silence by destroying lives and reputations. No, their myth promises the people are with them. And they keep demanding we fall in line with their increasingly deranged play.

This is why instead of seeing Trump as the rebellion of the people: a shot over the prow as it were. Instead they must attribute to him Svengali-like powers to whip up the mob. Because only that can explain why their plan went awry. And why we keep resisting.

In the arts, and other such positions, things are changing. Most of the cancelled people are finding better, or at least better paid positions.

Most of the leftist institutions are imploding under their massive effort at control which of course included the covidiocy.

They are fighting like wounded pigs, because they are. And they’re running out of time.

I’ll say it’s too late to avoid…. a more physical confrontation.

But for the sake of the sanity of the nation, for the sake of reclaiming the pudding heads who aren’t “political”, for the sake of telling the left they are not going to have it all their own way?

Shout, shout. let it all out.

Yes, many of you still have to dissemble in public settings, because otherwise you’ll be unemployed and blacklisted. And few, like me, can afford that.

So it’s time to let them know they are surrounded.

And yet even you can talk, even if on the net and under cover. And everyone else? Everyone who won’t lose their livelihood or life by talking: SHOUT SHOUT LET IT ALL OUT.

Let no display of leftist bullying in public pass unremarked. Tell hem they’re wrong and that you know they’re wrong. Tell them they aren’t the majority.

Make it HURT. Only hurt will penetrate the layer of illusion these people live under.

And it must be penetrated. Or civilization is lost.

No more hiding now. For we are nearing the day when the secrets of every heart will be laid bare.

If you can at all. If you can find a way even if that way is pseudonymous and covert? Publish, talk, scream. And let them be damned.