This comes from the medieval superstition, where a thing, an inanimate object had moral agency and could be held guilty of a crime.
This was the ‘Deodand’ laws

Giving agency to inanimate objects

Have you noticed how the media constantly says things like ‘The Pandemic’ has wreaked havoc on the economy ‘The Pandemic’ is causing a rise in suicides and drug use ‘The Pandemic’ has cost people their jobs.

It’s the same thing they do with gun violence. Guns are the agent, rather than the wielders of said weapon.

In this case, The Pandemic is being touted as the agent, not the people who implemented horrible policies. Not the people who consistently lie and change the goalposts. Not the people, who now think that they give us our freedoms, not God and not as guarded by the Constitution.

There is no responsibility and no accountability for these people. They are able to hide behind The Pandemic as the grubby little people behind the curtain.

ETA: They are also setting the conversation… at this point in time, who really cares about a rise in positive tests for the Wuhan Virus?? Are people dying? Are they needing additional care?? The answer to both should be ‘no’. And the numbers here in the US bear that out.

There are a number of treatments and such out there to alleviate symptoms and doctors should know how to deal with this.

So truly, who gives a rat’s half-eaten ass about the number of cases if those cases aren’t causing any more harm than any number of other ailments? It’s now one more thing that is endemic and we deal with it.

They have proven that lockdowns and masking don’t do anything except hurt people. But that’s now the go-to because control. Governments around the world are showing themselves to be insane.