Sen. Eric Burlison’s Second Amendment Preservation Act Passes Legislature

JEFFERSON CITY — State Sen. Eric Burlison, R-Battlefield, is proud to announce that House Bills 85 and 310, the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA), has passed both chambers of the Missouri legislature.

The Second Amendment Preservation Act declares all federal laws, rules, orders or other actions which restrict or prohibit the manufacture, ownership and use of firearms, firearm accessories or ammunition exclusively in Missouri will not be enforced by state law enforcement, state municipal officials and other state officials.

“This is an issue that could not wait any longer. I am increasingly concerned about the president and his administration attempting to restrict our right to keep and bear arms,” Sen. Burlison said. “Ultimately, I believe the purpose of the Second Amendment is to provide the citizens of our country with the ability to defend ourselves, and, if it comes to it, to push back against a tyrannical government. I am thrilled so many of my colleagues stood with me and worked to protect the Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding Missourians.”

Senator Burlison filed the Senate version in the Missouri Senate this year and led the debate on SAPA in the Senate on Thursday, May 13.

“I have been advocating for SAPA for years now,” Sen. Burlison said. “Finally getting this crucial legislation across the finish line and sent to the governor’s desk is an incredible feeling, and I am thankful for my colleagues and their hard work to protect Missourians from overreaching federal gun laws. I am optimistic that the governor will sign this legislation into law.”

On Monday, May 17th, Senator Burlison, along with other lawmakers who championed SAPA, will hold a press conference at The Sounds of Freedom USA in Ozark, MO at 12:00 p.m. The public is invited.