Usually a doggy the size of a Yorkie is a snack for a Coyote, but as they say, it’s not the size of the dog in the fight,  it’s the size of the fight in the dog.
And, as we see with this pint sized pup with the Napoleon complex defending his mistress, they ain’t called ‘Man’s Best Friend’ for nothing.

Oh, and by the way, this happened in Toronto Canada, so it’s not to be surprised to not see someone run out of their front door at the screams of the girl, and TCOB with a shotgun.

One thought on “”

  1. Few things are as persistent and tough as a terrier. Folks raise them anymore because “they’re cute!” – forgetting (ignorant of) the fact that they were rat killing machines in the Yorkshire textile mills way back when. Like many small dogs they don’t know they can’t take on the world by themselves. Don’t care for them myself, but admire their tenacity and spunk. Glad the kid and the dog came out OK.

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