“Because the public health leaders in our administration have made the determination based on data, that, that is a way to make sure they’re protected, their loved ones are protected, um, and that’s an extra step given the transmissibility of the virus.”

Because they say so?
That’s their answer?
That’s not an answer, it’s an excuse, one that can be used to justify anything by an authoritarian government. And one more indication that something stinks about this whole thing.

2 thoughts on “”

  1. But we’re anti-science for refusing to be injected. I’ve been asking for months now, “If the ‘vaccine’ doesn’t keep you from getting the disease nor does it keep you from spreading the disease nor does it free you from the obligation (in socialist societies) to wear a mask – WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR?” The only answer they come up with is usually along the lines of “So that when you DO get the disease it won’t hit you so hard.” Huh? Most folks I know who have caught the bug have had relatively mild cases. The bad cases I know of personally have been among those who tried to “cowboy up” instead of immediately going into self care mode.

    1. Questions, like yours, were starting to be asked months ago.
      And there never has been a good answer.

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