Something insidious is underfoot, a strategy so subtle it is likely going unnoticed in your own neighborhood, school district, small town, larger city and in your county.

If you don’t wake up and pay attention, you may instead wake up some morning to discover you slept through a takeover of your community. Now is the time to stop it.

Comrade Workman

For more than a year, I have been receiving emails from an organization calling itself the “National Democratic Training Committee” which seems to support every far-left item on the liberal agenda and every far-left politician. Buried down near the end of each of these messages is this ominous note: “Listen, there are 518,000 elected positions in this country. Imagine if Democrats fought for every race — no matter how small. Imagine a world where our values of compassion and dignity for all people are upheld on every school board, on every city council, and in every state legislature.”

Got your attention, yet? This group also includes a hard link to find out more about running for public office. Just click on “I want to run for office” and the Democratic Training Committee will start indoctrinating — oops, we mean “training” — you for what they hope will be a winning campaign.

To paraphrase their own message, “Imagine if puppets for this group won every race — no matter how small. Imagine a world where their values became law, overruling your values, from the level of school board up through the state legislature.”

No, You Do Not Want To Imagine It

With every email blast, they ask for donations. Essentially, they’re a well-organized fundraising entity wanting to push far-left values and legislation, support liberal anti-gun-rights candidates for public office and — if you let them succeed — your gun rights will be in trouble.

They are strongly supportive of anti-gun President Joe Biden, who campaigned on a gun control platform that calls for a ban on modern semi-auto sporting rifles, licensing for all gun owners and other extremist tenets.

What should you do? Take their advice, of course!

Get involved in your community, from the ground floor. Instead of sitting on the couch and complaining about what is happening in your local schools, at town or city council meetings, local planning commission meetings, county commissions or councils and state legislatures, get up and get in the game.

Under The Radar

More than a year ago, I was invited to quietly attend a planning commission meeting in a local municipality. I stood in the back of the room, essentially in the shadows. In the midst of discussions about streets and future development, a local “activist” took advantage of a wide-open public comment period to promote a gun control agenda. Of course his comments had nothing to do with the business of the planning commission, but this is exactly how this sort of thing gets started in your community, right under your nose while you’re at home watching re-runs. If this happens in your community, be at the next meeting to refute such people.

To its credit, the National Democratic Training Committee is upfront about its intentions. They’re not hiding anything. Their goal is to train more Democrats — you know, “The Party of Gun Prohibition” — to win elections and control public policy.

While it may seem unfair to single them out since they are very candid about their mission, this group represents the broader movement to change America to reflect their values — which may collide with your values. Those on the political left call themselves “progressives,” a not-so-subtle effort to advance the notion they represent progress but what they’re really all about is control. This isn’t progress at all, but gradual suppression of individual freedom and contrasting opinions.

As a general rule, self-anointed “progressives” don’t like guns. People who own guns can say “no” and back it up, which is what the Second Amendment is really about and always was. The far left doesn’t like this. Don’t think so? Ask somebody who insists you should wear a mask soon as you step off the front porch and even when you’re driving alone in your own car.

Just Do it!

Gun owners can do lots more than protest on the capitol steps every January or February, or show up at a town council meeting for a dose of lip service from the local politicians before they do what they were planning to do all along, regardless the issue.
You can run for office, whether it is the school board, town council or some other position. C’mon, follow through on the tough talk and take the fight to the other side. Stand up publicly for what you believe; run on issues and take positions, offer solutions to local problems. Always in the background will be your desire to protect the Second Amendment, not just for yourself but also for your kids and the kids of somebody else you don’t even know.

If you don’t want to run for office, you can volunteer to work for someone else who does. This is actually good training for anyone planning a future run for office, and it gets your ideas on their radar screen. It puts you in a position to influence how they approach an issue, especially if they get elected. Where your rights are concerned, it’s better to be on the inside than on the outside.

Check out every candidate for every public office in your community. Read their statements twice, attend forums, ask the tough questions without becoming boorish. Learn their background and whether they are from your region, or moved there from somewhere else, bringing their politics with them.

In the event a gun control law is adopted that can be challenged in court, agree to be a plaintiff and be a good one. In other words, make sure there is nothing in your background to discredit the case or your participation.

Support a gun-rights organization with an occasional donation and keep them advised of local gun control efforts. Such organizations can’t know everything happening everywhere without reports from the grassroots. If you want to keep your rights, you need to protect them. Provide the intelligence such organizations need to stay ahead of the competition to stand in their way.

Get on social media and be prepared to argue with people who seriously dislike your lifestyle. Stay on message.

Politics is a contact sport. And remember this: You need to win every time. The other side only needs to win once.