‘Active Shooter Alert’ Bill, Designed to Scare, Draws in GOP Traitors and Suckers

“H.R. 6538, the Active Shooter Alert Act of 2022, is not a public safety tool, but rather an anti-gun propaganda program intended to further public hysteria by hyper-inflating the authentic number of ‘active shooter’ incidents to expand support for unconstitutional gun control measures,” Gun Owners of America advised members in a mid-July alert. “Under the Active Shooter Alert Act of 2022, justified self-defense shootings, gang violence, drug violence, or accidental shootings will be used to send alerts to the American people about the presence of an ‘active shooter’ to intentionally misguide the public and create mass hysteria.”

I imagine an uninterrupted night’s sleep would be damn near impossible on an average weekend in Chicago.

You’ll note whenever GOA uses the term on its own (as opposed to citing what the bill is named) they put the words “active shooter” in quotation marks. There’s a reason why that’s appropriate, and something gun owners should emulate. Per Firearms Coalition Managing Director and “proud active shooter” Jeff Knox:

“It is inaccurate because it does not include any direct suggestion of criminality, using ‘shooter’ to infer that, and it is insulting because by doing this, it implies that shooting is a criminal activity.”

Rep. Thomas Massie describes the bill more bluntly.

“House Democrats are trying to condition Americans to repeal the Second Amendment,” he warns, and he’s not using hyperbole. Any longtime gun owner who doesn’t recognize by now that yes, the prohibitionists really do want to take your guns, is either an oblivious fool or in the enemy camp. (There are also citizens new to owning guns who have never given the matter much thought to see how they’ve been lied to, who are ripe for manipulation and the subjects of another analysis.)

Two points:

Repealing the Second Amendment would not invalidate the right to keep and bear arms, which the Supreme Court has recognized, first in Cruikshank and later cited in Heller:

“The right to bear arms is not granted by the Constitution; neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence.”

Massie knows that. He also knows the Democrats want us to believe rights come from them, using the term “bill of rights” to propose government-mandated privileges that are generally dependent on dragooning (that is, enslaving) others to provide the “granted” services. (See “FDR’s ‘Second Bill of Rights’ and UN Declaration Show How ‘Progressives’ View You.”)

The second point is addressed directly to Donald Trump in the (admittedly improbable) hope that someone who knows him will call it to his attention: Don’t you think it’s past time you to publicly apologize to Rep. Massie and admit that he was right for putting the Constitution over GOP Democrat Lite politics?

As for the “Active Shooter” Alert bill, it passed in the House of Representatives with 43 “Republicans” either knowingly signing on with or being suckered in by a confirmed enemy of the Second Amendment, bill sponsor David Cicilline (D-RI). He’s the professional worm tongue who out of one corner of his mouth professes, “We all respect the Second Amendment but…” and out of the other corner snarls, “Spare me the bulls*** about Constitutional rights.”

You can find out who the GOP turncoats are via the House Clerk’s recorded votes tally to see if your representative made the Dishonor Roll, either because he’s negligently ignorant, because he’s a proven embedded enemy (like the 15 Republican co-sponsors who have betrayed us before), or because he’s a pandering coward dumb enough to believe this will earn him media props and kudos from “our friends across the aisle” for being reasonable.

Incidentally, the roll call record is of critical importance. Arguing against the unaccountability of voice votes was one of the concerns Rep. Massie had expressed when Trump unloaded on him, but all gun owners need do to see the danger that poses to them is to recall the words “Hughes Amendment.”

Say your rep sided with Cicilline, what can you do?

GOA offers a pre-written letter option to “spank” them and then contact your senators, a strategy that has obvious limitations if your Republican rep is a longtime Quisling who is either not running again or knows he can get away with it from being reelected after past betrayals. Ditto, what’s the use of pleading with them if your senators are known enemies of your rights in secure seats like Dianne Feinstein or Chuck Schumer?

Time and again I’ve seen gun owners in “blue states” just shine such alerts on because they’ve concluded — in their case — they’re a waste of time. There ought to be a way to more productively direct such appeals. Since what Congress does affects us all, why shouldn’t mass contact forms instead make our views — and potential support or opposition — known to those who are persuadable, but who “represent” other districts and states? And post it to their widely-viewed social media accounts so that others can see and share?

Another strategy is to “primary” the Benedict Arnolds. Do you know if your state has already held one? If it hasn’t yet, are any of the state and national gun organizations we join and support offering you a way to organize (something the collectivists excel at and we do not) and defeat the backstabbers with a superior candidate?

Then there are those who say “The hell with the traitors, I’ll stay home or even vote for the commie in the general election and let’s get this show started.” As rash as that sounds, there’s a definite logic to not rewarding betrayals with power, and it’s fair to ask if a gun owner would want to patrol with a squad member who will only back shoot them once in a while or be so forgiving of an occasionally promiscuous spouse who is “faithful” most of the rest of the time.

But that means a Democrat would win! Yeah, and that would create a real dilemma for them if they followed their (un)natural instincts and went hog wild with ramping up the tyranny, something they always seem to do when they feel they can impose whatever they want.

It’s a dilemma for gun owners, too, we who simply want to be left alone to live lives that aren’t harming anybody and enjoy whatever “Blessings of Liberty” we can earn for ourselves, but see there are powerful interests who not only won’t let us do that, but want to see anyone who thinks like that marginalized and “canceled” (with the real hardcore who understand history opting for “eradicated.”)

Fortunately, in this case, the legislative monitoring site GovTrack gives a prognosis of a “3% chance of being enacted,” so it appears this is more a case of pre-midterms attention-whoring on Cicilline’s part. But let Republican betrayals blow the perceived “Red Wave” momentum and you’d better believe they’ll be back with this again in earnest and with another wave of infringements that are even more intrusive and offensive after that.