Concealed Carry Referendum Nixed In Kenosha County

Voters in Kenosha County this November won’t be asked whether holders of concealed carry permits should be allowed to bring guns into most county-owned buildings. Although the county board repealed a long-standing ban earlier this summer, Supervisor Jeff Gentz proposed that the voters be allowed to weigh in after the fact anyway. His proposal was defeated in committee Tuesday night. Then later at a meeting of the County Board, a move to suspend the rules to allow the full board to vote on the referendum idea failed to get the necessary two-thirds majority.

An overwhelming majority of citizens who spoke during public comments before the vote supported the referendum. Jodi Muerhoff noted that the committee members who voted against the referendum were some of the same supervisors who earlier this summer voted to put a ‘second amendment sanctuary’ question on the ballot. Another speaker accused those who supported the referendum of “whining.”