These transvestite ‘drag shows’ are grooming events by homosexuals trying to make their deviancy appear somehow ‘normal’. The mothers who bring their children to these shows, I can’t understand, other than they’re modern pagans. Which also shows the direction where these antifagoons come from.
Local residents of the small town of Roanoke, Texas were met with Antifa members wielding AR-15s outside a so-called “kid-friendly” drag “brunch” over the weekend. Inside the Anderson Distillery and Grill about dozen minors attended along with adults.
Drag brunch in Roanoke draws armed protesters and counter-protesters
— Dallas Morning News (@dallasnews) August 29, 2022
Outside, armed Antifa-types tried to bully locals from standing on the sidewalk out front to protest the event.
If organizers of the event hoped to win hearts and minds, they failed. Not only did the obese men dressed as caricatures of women fail to impress those in the community, calling locals “bigots” and “transphobes” for opposing the event didn’t help either.
What’s more, the Antifa folks open carrying AR-15s didn’t make friends among passers-by either, overtly threatening violence against those opposed to their point of view. In other words, fascists.
What’s more, for those paying attention, locals noticed more armed Antifa occupying the high ground looking down from the third floor of a nearby parking garage.
USA Supreme has the story . . .
The streets outside a bar in a small town in Texas became the scene of a heated confrontation between people protesting a ‘family-friendly’ drag show hosted by the establishment and defenders of the event, some of whom were armed.
The protesters accused the bar of “grooming children” by exposing them to sexual content, as they gathered to protest the show last Sunday. But according to reports from the scene on social media, they were outnumbered by activists from the opposite camp, who dismissed the demonstrators as ‘bigots’ and ‘transphobes’.
Everyone attending on both sides appeared to be abiding by applicable firearm laws. But it’s difficult not to notice that the same people on the anti-gun left who claim that lawful open carry somehow chills the right to free speech are deafeningly silent when it’s done by Black Bloc types.
And how long before one of these events that’s being “guarded” by armed Antifa members — a group that has shown no reluctance to engage in violence against those they dislike — results in a rolling gun battle with counter-demonstrators or police?