Amy Swearer

I read the transcript of Biden’s gun control speech yesterday so that you didn’t have to. Here are the top five most unserious things he said:

(1) “The bullet out of an AR-15 travels five times as rapidly as a bullet shot out of any other gun…and can pierce Kevlar.”

What even…? This is obviously and objectively false. He just flat made it up. Especially if you’re talking about your typical 55 gr. .223/5.56 rounds.

An intern could have fact checked this with a basic google search. There are dozens of readily available charts for this: Improved Rifle Ballistics Table

But also, muzzle velocity is not synonymous with lethality or vague notions of “stopping power.”

(2) “You can’t go out and buy an automatic weapon. You can’t go out and buy a cannon.”

Okay, we’re actually tired of fact-checking this. You can, in fact, own both of these things. Both at the time of ratification and today.

Hundreds of thousands of civilian-owned machine guns are currently in the NFA registry. Heck, you can own a tank if you can afford it.
(3) “For those brave right-wing Americans who say it’s all about keeping America independent and safe, if you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15…need something more than a gun.”

How many F-15s did the Taliban own?

Also, I’m confused…is my AR-15 an ultra-dangerous weapon of war that no civilian should own because it rips bodies apart…or is it a useless hunk of carbon fiber that has zero value in a hypothetical armed defense against a tyrannical gov?

Seriously, though, this view of armed revolution/defense against tyranny underappreciates the role of federalism in that scenario. It’s not “me and my AR.” It’s “tens of thousands of armed Americans and almost certainly a lot of state national guard units [which have F-15s].”

While we’re here, let’s also acknowledge that “your AR-15 is useless because the government could just carpet bomb you into submission” isn’t an argument in favor of gun control. It’s actually an argument for a better armed citizenry and against trusting whoever said that.

Re: Kevlar – literally every rifle round will go through soft body armor. This isn’t unique to an AR-15. There’s a reason body armoring grading exists – if you’re planning on using soft body armor against rifle rounds….don’t. You need the proper grade. That’s the whole point.

(4) “For God sake, what’s the rationale for these weapons outside of a war zone? They inflict severe damage…they rip bodies apart.”
…so then why do we universally exempt law enforcement officers from these bans, including while they’re off duty? Are they waging war against the American people? And how does removing a pistol grip and barrel shroud change the rationale for possession? [It doesn’t].

I mean this sincerely but also gently – if you think a single child in Uvalde would still be alive (or their body less horribly destroyed) if the shooter used a different firearm or a featureless “non-assault” weapon chambered in .223/5.56…you don’t understand guns. At all.

(5) “There are certain gun dealers that are basically… Not gun dealers, they’re wholesalers providing the weapons to anybody who have the money.”

Either he’s suggesting that these gun dealers are breaking the law and selling to felons, etc. – in which case, shut them down and put them in prison – or he’s suggesting that gun sellers are somehow bad for selling guns in full compliance with federal law.

This is how sales of anything work. But yes, gun sellers will sell to anyone who has the money to purchase then gun and who passes a background check….because that buyer has a right to keep and bear arms and his purchase/possession is perfectly legal.

Biden has never showed himself to be a serious person when it comes to gun policy and the Second Amendment [remember “just fire two blasts of your shotgun outside the house if you think there’s an intruder”?] But was hands down his most unserious speech on the issue to-date.

If he wanted to be serious about gun violence, he’d be in Philadelphia talking about rogue prosecutors and straw purchasing. Instead, he’s in Wilkes-Barre telling law-abiding citizens they should give up their ARs because he could just order the Air Force to bomb them.