When You Can’t Make This Up collides head on with Crap For Brains

Oregon gun access measure narrowly passes, bringing joy and sadness


Regardless of how individual Oregonians voted, the rules laid out in Measure 114 will soon be law for all residents. But exactly what happens next is slightly unclear. A spokesperson for the Oregon State Police, the agency tasked with creating the permit to purchase system and overseeing the new background checks, said they would not be able to provide specific information about the timeline for the “rulemaking” process they will go through to work out the kinks until the election is certified by the Secretary of State……..

Michael Fuller, a Portland civil rights lawyer, had a different reason for voting yes: “My preferred concealed carry weapon does not have more than 10 rounds in its magazine anyway,” he wrote in a direct message on Twitter, “so I figured that passing 114 would make it less likely I would be outgunned if I were in a gunfight with an active shooter.”