This is why some people cannot be taken seriously

There are some people who are completely unhinged. We all know this and have seen it ourselves throughout our lives. This is especially true if you spend much time in the political space.

Both sides have their crazy folks. They exist in the realm of conspiracy theories, rationalizations, and fearmongering with absolutely no basis in reality.

But usually, they’re on the semi-fringe.

Or, at least, they used to be.

However, I came across this tweet from an account with over 400,000 followers and reportedly run by a group of mental health professionals, and if this isn’t the height of unhinged, I don’t know what is.

Twitter avatar for @duty2warn

Duty To Warn 🔉 @duty2warn
Last night, in a bloodbath, Twitter purged en masse mainstream journalists who cover Elon Musk. I’m reminded of Kristallnacht. Free speech was the second Big Lie. This is what bare knuckled fascism looks like.
Twitter avatar for @oneunderscore__

Ben Collins @oneunderscore__

Journalists who cover Elon Musk have been suspended on Twitter tonight: @Donie O’Sullivan from CNN, Aaron Rupar and the Washington Post’s @drewharwell. Rupar tells me he has “no idea” why it happened.

I do know that they caught a seven-day suspension, so they’ll all be back.

But for these jackwagons to claim it reminds them of Kristallnacht…

At least 91 Jews were murdered during Kristallnacht. Some experts say the actual death toll should be higher due to post-arrest maltreatment with at least one saying over 630 people died as a result of Kristallnacht.

I looked to see if this was a parody account, but it doesn’t look like it, which means these dipsticks are serious.

And that’s terrifying.

See, if they’re mental health professionals, then it means at least some in our mental health system are crazier than most trying to get help in the first place. This is beyond deranged.

And yet, it’s unlikely that those more than 400,000 followers are hate followers. They’re people who actually like what these people say and take it seriously. That’s downright terrifying.

We often talk about stuff like Trump Derangement Syndrome or whatever term you use for those who loathe the former president so much it taints their thinking, but this is a different level.

And it’s why some people are simply begging not to be taken seriously.

I mean, how can you take anyone seriously who compares a handful of reporters getting a temporary suspension with the brutal rioting and murders of Jewish Germans?

Aaron Rupar will be tweeting in a week or so. The Jews slaughtered by the Nazis during Kristallnacht weren’t back at work after a few days.

But when literally everyone you dislike is Hitler, this is what happens. You see everything as Nazism manifest before your very eyes. Your view is colored to such an extreme you’re unable to see the profound differences that should stop you from saying silly crap like this.

And I’d love it if this was isolated and mocked universally, but as of this writing, that tweet has over 3,400 likes. People are taking this seriously.

That’s what’s so horrifying.