Pro-life students threatened with gun violence

On the morning of December 3, Students for Life Action (SFLA) members were greeted with a note from pro-aboriton activists that read, “We will shoot up your Newman Center with our new AR14 rifles.”

The entire note read, “If our right to abortion in Bellevue is taken away due to the attempt to pass an abortion ban and it gets passed we will shoot up your Newman Center with our new AR14 rifles.”

Students for Life Action was meeting at the Newman Center, located between the University of Nebraska-Omaha & the College of St. Mary, to host a political workshop.

The workshop was intended to “gather pro-life activists from across the state to strategize about how to use the Campaign for Abortion Free Cities to shut down the late-term abortion facility in the state,” according to the SFLA blog.

Kyle Poen, Midwest Regional Coordinator for SFLA, arrived at the training to find the threat.

Poen told Campus Reform it was a “sobering moment, but we had a sense it could get rough when the pro-abortion lobby promoted a ‘Summer of rage.’”

“You always have to assume there is credible danger in a situation like this,” he added.

Poen went on to emphasize, “We are taking precautions but will not be silenced on the human rights issue of our day.”

President of Students for Life Action, Kristan Hawkins, commented on the situation on Twitter, writing that “[w]e are headed towards tragedy if AG Merrick Garland continues to refuse to act to protect peaceful pro-lifers from pro-abortion terrorist groups.”

Campus Reform contacted all organizations mentioned and will update this article accordingly.