‘disconnect’ implies some sort of prior connection. Short of the goobermint paychecks he’s been getting for most of his adult life, I say he’s had no more ‘connection’ to the citizenry that that.


Someone should have told Joe Biden that vacationing in St. Croix was not a good idea.

He could have chosen better.

And leaving the country at this time was bad optics.

The president, seeking warmer climes, appeared to have abandoned the country in the wake of a historic blizzard that buried the U.S., killed scores of people, caused massive blackouts, and stranded thousands of holiday travelers at airports across the country.

While he was aboard Air Force One flying above the country, untold thousands of other Americans were stuck at airports across the country as flights were delayed or canceled due to the harsh weather and Southwest Airlines incompetence.

But the bitter cold weather that swept across the nation did not deter hordes of illegal immigrants from crossing the southern border into the country under Biden’s cruel and criminal open border policy.

Immigrant families, turned away at overcrowded shelters in El Paso, were forced to sleep in the streets under freezing conditions.

“Come to America and sleep in the streets,” seems to be Biden’s message to immigrants from around the world.

But you can’t be too harsh on Biden. He is old and feeble, and he needs the sun to warm his bones.

But the optics of him ignoring domestic programs while vacationing in St. Croix, one of the U.S Virgin Islands, sent the wrong message, especially as fellow Americans struggled with frigid weather and skyrocketing home energy bills.

And this does not even include the foreign problems Biden is facing, like Communist China on the verge of invading Taiwan, Japan rearming, North Korea sending missiles and drones over Japan and South Korea, deadly protest in Iran, the Ukrainians bombing Russian airfields, Vladimir Putin warning of nuclear retaliation, and so on.

But the main problem with Biden’s vacation to St. Croix is the island itself.

Being the woke and progressive president that he is, one would think that he would have enough political awareness and moral sensitivity to vacation elsewhere, and not on an island were Christopher Columbus allegedly brought racism to America.

Biden has made a cottage industry of calling Donald Trump and the millions of Americans who support him racists and neo-fascists.

While St. Croix is a beautiful and lush tropical island in the Caribbean with amazing beaches, warm waters, lush scenery and friendly people, it is also the island where Christopher Columbus — a hero who progressives have turned into an enemy of mankind — landed in 1493.

If there is still a statue of Columbus that progressives and anarchists have not torn down in the United States it would equal the miracle of Columbus’ voyages across the Atlantic. They were voyages that awakened the world.

Columbus “discovered” St. Croix during his second voyage to the New World. Upon arriving he sent a landing party ashore. The Spanish sailors came across a deserted Carib village where a group of competing Taino natives were held captive.

The sailors freed the Tainos. While returning with them to the ship, the group was attacked by a Carib war party. The sailors fought back, and one was killed by an arrow.

The skirmish was the first recorded conflict between Europeans and native Americans in the New World.

Many more were to follow, especially after the Spanish and Portuguese Conquistadors came in search of gold. What they did to the native population of the Americas makes Columbus look like a saint.

Columbus at least freed the Tainos — if only temporarily.

But the question is: if Christopher Columbus is such a bad guy, why is Biden honoring him by vacationing on his island?

Maybe, weather permitting, Biden should have gone back to Nantucket.