Liberals pretend to change the world but all they do is increase their power. They do not move the goal posts; they change the game. One minute they are feminists who are slamming the stereotypes of women. The next minute they are trannies who claim that acting like a stereotypical woman makes you a woman.

It is exhausting as well as confusing. Which is their strategy.

Keeping us confused

Tranny rights. Black lives matter. Support Ukraine. It seems every day leftist fascists are throwing something new at us. Their latest cause is Youth Attracted People — pedophiles. The left puts real Americans constantly on the defensive. We are forever back on our heels in the battle between right and wrong. This is deliberate, for as Sun Tzu said in The Art of War 2,500 years ago, “The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.”

I call this fascism because that is what it is, the use by the government of business to control the people. That the media is in bed with the government — which is run by unelected and unfireable Civil Service lifers — is unassailable.

The media sells this. The largest media conglomerate in the world — Disney — is run by the Gay Mafia in Hollywood. I don’t mean the CEO is gay, I just mean he bends over for them, as it were, and does their bidding. He is suing Florida because gays hate the state. They killed Anita Bryant’s career 40 years ago. Now they seek to destroy Ron DeSantis and the entire state.

As Saul Alinsky observed, “Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.” Gays have used fear excellently to multiply their power through intimidation and exaggeration.

If you were surprised that Murdoch fired Tucker Carlson, then you have not paid attention. When he sold most of Fox to Disney four years ago, he became its largest individual shareholder. I don’t know if that is still true, but I do know he has made nary a protest against Disney supporting transgender teachers grooming children as young as 5.

The corruption of Western media is not limited to the USA.

Consider this fact-check from AFP Canada: “A flag for pedophiles? It exists, but it is not a push for inclusion in the LGBT community.”

How does AFP know the intent? Well, it said, “However, no evidence suggests a concerted effort to push for the inclusion of MAPs in the LGBT community with the use of the flag.”

MAPs are minor-attracted people, a term that is giving way to youth-attracted people because the word minors reminds people it is illegal to have sex with them.

However, there is evidence of pedos seeking to join LGBT. Isiah Carey presented it on his show on Channel 26 in Houston. His report was better sourced than Russiagate coverage that won Pulitzers for the New York Times and Washington Jeff Bezos Post.

Every one of these sexual deviancies has a flag. The Human Rights Campaign’s list includes the Intersex-Inclusive Progress Pride Flag, the Queer Pride Flag, the Pansexual Pride Flag, the Polyamory Polygamy Pride Flag, and the Transgender Pride Flag. And yes, there is an incest flag.

Currently the push for incest is for adults who can no longer have children. That age barrier eventually will drop to 2. And yes, the cretins are using gay marriage to leverage acceptance. The New York Post reported, “Consensual incest advocates are rooting for an anonymous New York parent who wants to marry their own adult child.

“Australian Richard Morris, who is pushing to change incest laws in about 60 countries, said he supports the legal push in a Manhattan federal court and that such behavior between consenting adults ‘should not be criminalized.’”

Pedophiles are on the LGBT waiting list. It is like Ukraine joining NATO. For all intents and purposes, the Big P is a member but everyone awaits official approval.

The bestiality flag is on back-order the sheepdippers await their euphemism. Canine-attracted humans? Transspeciesists? Poly-wanna-crackers? I suggest petophiles.

The push is not for sexual freedom but for government control of the masses by drastically changing their beliefs. No one 10 years ago would have thought it right to give a 12-year-old transsexual surgery, and yet here we are.

The problem goes well beyond sex. National Review reported, “California Approves Regulation to Phase Out Diesel Trucks by 2036.”

This is not about saving the planet from carbon dioxide. This is about the government shutting down independent truck drivers because they are self-reliant. The government wants to control everyone all the time. A fellow who does not need the the government is an existential threat to the deep state.

The media is great at pushing government control. Americans today like to believe they are too smart to fall for it. After all, we defeated Hitler and won the Cold War. But with a few exceptions, the people who won World War II are dead. The youngest veteran from that war would be at least 95.

As for the Cold War, President Bush 41 and Gorbachev formed the New World Order three months before the Soviet Union collapsed.

Covid massacred our rights just by killing 1/2 of 1% of the populace. My gosh, in the name of not spreading covid, California arrested a lone surfer for going alone in the ocean. Who was going to infect him? Charlie the Tuna?

By arresting him, government officials broke their own unscientific social distancing rules, proving the mandates and restrictions had nothing to do with covid and everything to do about power.

The danger of covid was exaggerated by the government and spoon fed to the masses by an unquestioning media, which deified government officials — Fauci, Birx, Lysenko and the rest — as people with journalism degrees lectured the public to follow the science.

If these two ever came back, Isaac Newton would hold the quack medicine men up while Einstein kicked them in the parts that hurt.

The media deemed calling it the Wuhan Virus was strictly racist, even though that is where it originated. The media swore it stemmed from something called a “wet market” where people bought bats to eat, and not from the biological warfare laboratory across the street.

But how dangerous was a virus after it traveled halfway across the world? I never saw anyone in a moon suit to protect themselves from this virus. But the government seemed to do everything in its power to keep the pandemic panic alive.

If that were not discombobulating enough, that summer the media and government-approved protesters turned a junkie’s overdose death while in police custody into a murder that somehow justified riots in city after city. The media openly lied by calling the carnage mostly peaceful protests.

The media’s biggest lie was black lives matter. They don’t. Fox — which still occasionally indulges in journalism — reported, “BLM silent when confronted with data showing massive 2020 spike in black murder victims

“Black murders spiked by 32% in 2020 compared to 2019, and by 43% that year compared to the 10-year average.”

Black men killing black men bothers no one else in America it seems.

But microaggressions do bother liberals. Dead black men don’t bother them but hurt feelings do. Examples of Racial Microaggressions include saying:

“When I look at you, I don’t see color.”

“America is a melting pot.”

“There is only one race, the human race.”

“I believe the most qualified person should get the job.”

“Everyone can succeed in this society, if they work hard enough.”

Dingbats is too kind a word to describe the fools who promote this junk food for the brain. But it empowers them and protects that power, so who is the real fool?

They are now after our kids, which is an irony as so many of them aborted theirs.

Fox reported, “Two Democratic lawmakers in Virginia were caught on hot mic last week mocking parental rights as garbage, crap and stupid, according to two recordings posted on social media by the Republican State Leadership Committee.

“On the recordings, which were taken at a Friday meet-and-greet at Christopher Newport University, state Sen. Monty Mason and state Del. Shelly Simonds can be heard ripping Republicans over S.B. 1515, a bill that required pornography websites to verify a user’s age to be at least 18 before allowing access to its content.”

In the Walt Disney version of Pinocchio in 1940, villains create Pleasure Island to lure boys in and turn them into donkeys. 70 years later, life imitates a cartoon by Democrats demanding we allow kids to access porn.

New York state may ban gas stoves. Actor James Woods tweeted, “In very recent memory the socialists were touting natural gas as ‘clean energy.’ Buses were festooned with slogans pushing this incredible planet-saving resource.

“Now electricity is the rage because it allows the government to monitor EVERYTHING you do.”

Liberals pretend to change the world but all they do is increase their power. They do not move the goal posts; they change the game. One minute they are feminists who are slamming the stereotypes of women. The next minute they are trannies who claim that acting like a stereotypical woman makes you a woman.

It is exhausting as well as confusing.

Which is their strategy.