Secret Service’s shady protect-Biden dodges make ‘em ALL look guilty

Ouch: The Secret Service is now officially the Bureau of Biden Butt-Covering.

The agency just issued a fresh denial of FOIA requests from The Post and the House Oversight Committee for visitor records from Biden’s Delaware houses — in the process showing that prior denials were factually false.

At last, the Secret Service admits that some records exist — contra absurd claims in earlier denials that they simply didn’t.

Now the agency is tendentiously citing a Trump-era 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that has no binding effect whatsoever on Delaware (which is in the 3rd Circuit) to insist it just can’t release the records.

Again: In response to earlier FOIAs, the Secret Service claimed for months it was diligently “reviewing thousands of records in an effort to locate any documents responsive to your request,” then said it had none.

Now it’s admitting they exist (as it should have known from the start: presidential protection is by far its highest-profile duty), but claiming it can’t share them.

It’s a multi-tiered Biden defense system, in other words:

  • Drag feet endlessly on producing information that belongs to the American people.
  • Tell flimsy lies, like saying that there are zero records relating to the people who visit the world’s most powerful man at his private homes.
  • Admit you told lies but still refuse point blank to hand over the goods.

And while the moves might fall within the letter of Freedom of Information law, they’re utterly against its spirit.

We get it: the Oversight Committee is drawing a net ever more tightly around the Bidens, producing hard evidence that seemingly ties “Big Guy” Joe to his family’s influence peddling.

The Delaware visitor logs, which track who comes to see Joe in private — and likely Hunter, who listed his father’s Wilmington home as his own address — will cast further light on that sordid situation.

They’ll also provide a list of people who might have had access to the classified info Joe improperly stored in the Wilmington house’s garage, which is unquestionably a matter of national security.

All the more so given Hunter’s shady international ties.

So the fear from the feds of revelations on this makes ugly sense.

Conceivably, this stonewall is just bureaucratic obstinacy-for-its-own-sake.

But the repeated prior deceptions from Hunter, Joe and the rest of the Biden clan around their mafia activities, plus the previous blatant falsehoods from the Secret Service, suggest there’s something to hide here.

Otherwise, why not just release the records?

Unless and until the Bidens and their security apparatchiks come clean, the American people should assume the worst.