Watch These Clips and Tell Me You Really Think Biden Will Make It Through the 2024 Campaign

Joe Biden has faced questions about his physical and mental health for a long time now. He managed to avoid being too accessible to the public in 2020 because of the pandemic, but now he doesn’t have the pandemic as cover for avoiding playing the role of the president daily. The amount of pressure that Joe Biden is under to appear in control is just as high as (if not higher than) the exposure he has. There’s simply no easy way to hide him away, save for clearing his schedule and giving him time to recharge out of sight — and that’s a really bad look.

As president, Ol’ Joe has a lot of public obligations. On Independence Day, the birthday of our nation, he was front and center a lot and was as big a gaffe machine as you’d expect. During a National Education Association event in Washington, D.C., Biden became a garbled mess trying to read his script off the teleprompter.

The White House did what it could to cover for Joe, publishing a cleaned-up version of that mess. “You know, I’ve often say — and you’re tired of hearing me saying it, probably, but — children are the kite strings — they’re not somebody else’s chi- — they’re all our children — are the kite strings that lift our national ambitions aloft, and you hold those strings,” the official transcript reads. “You hold those strings. And our job is to make sure you have what you need to do what you do best.”

Is that how Biden sounded? Not to those who listened to him.

Oh, but there is more. Later on, Biden proudly highlighted the achievements of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program, claiming that it has successfully helped teachers pay off student loan debt. In addition to getting the name of the program wrong, when he attempted to explain to the educators present how to find information about the program, he completely lost track of what he was trying to say.

“And, by the way, the program is still there,” he said. “Go to — anyway, you ought to contact us to make sure you know exactly how to qualify because you deserve that forgiveness.”

It should come as no surprise that Joe didn’t answer any questions, and Jill Biden was on hand to make sure Biden successfully exited the stage without embarrassing himself further.

The 2024 presidential campaign has technically already started, but Election Day is roughly a year and a half away. When you watch these videos, do you think that Joe Biden will make it until then? It’s not looking good.