Our Nightmare is Their Utopia

The United States is just waiting on divorce papers, the separation is already here.

In the part of this nation controlled by communists like Antifa and BLM a defense attorney can openly declare herself to be a member of Antifa and (during a civil suit between Antifa and longtime Antifa nemesis Andy Ngo) tell the jury that she will remember their faces long after the trial and that isn’t considered jury tampering, obstruction of justice or threatening a jury.

How is that any different from a defense attorney looking at the jury and saying: “I work for a powerful crime family and they know where each of you live.” ?

In the same part of this divided nation, by the same political ideology, a former president and front-running candidate for the presidency can be tried on felony charges (during the campaign, not the two years before the campaign) for saying that he believed the election was stolen and for employing the tactic, openly utilized by the Democrats, of challenging the electors.

What is free speech to the right is deemed a felony to the left.

What is legally challenging an election to the right is an insurrection to the left.

This isn’t about fair, or right, or justice. This is the playbook; the time-honored communist procedure. The obvious injustice and amazing lawlessness of their actions are intended to drive the opposition mad. This is why standing behind Trump is important, because he does exactly the same thing to them. Every time he wins, they lose their mind and that doesn’t matter whether it’s in an election or in court.

They see it as injustice, because they expect to beat Andy Ngo nearly to death, out in the open, violate every sense of jurisprudence and walk away free as a bird, because the system they represent is rigged, born in and of corruption. The rest of the nation is supposed to see that it’s rigged, that they’ll rig it the same way when they beat you nearly to death for supporting school choice, for denouncing drag queen story hour. Anything less is criminal in their minds. They’re representatives of lawless thuggery and yet, they’re portrayed by the Antifa sympathizers in the media to somehow come off as the victims of some vague, powerful whiteness and masculinity.

These are the same people holding cardboard up in front of the windows of the counting room. They’re the same ones filling the drop boxes. They’re the same ones threatening Supreme Court justices outside of their homes. This is how they do business, because it’s how communists do business. They come in skinny jeans, clad in black, with blue hair and nose rings so you will be afraid of them, fear them, avoid them and let them run amok through your institutions, drive you out of the libraries, out of political discourse, out of public, if they can.

It’s no secret that they’ve taken control of Washington DC, New York, San Francisco, Denver, Salt Lake City, even. Anywhere they can exploit the power of George Soros and Klaus Schwab, they’ll dominate and control it. Once they control the population centers, they seep down into suburbs and small towns. This isn’t the future, this is now and they’ve accomplished their goals.

“Not in my town,” one might mutter, but how would they know? When one of the right goes to court in Hicksville, Alabama, they’ll know, but not until then.

The disaster they represent has already been dispatched; their virus has already drifted to red states. Some believe that they’re just abandoning the wreckage, but they’re not, they’re taking their largely liberal attitudes and voting histories with them and they’ll infect the host state that takes them in. In a generation, their children will rise up with the same ideology in Texas, Florida and Oklahoma. It’s just a matter of time. They’ve been at this for 100 years and they’ve been ultimately successful. Pushback is part of it, they know they’ll get it initially, but as long as they stay consistent and brainwash the children, they will succeed.

This gross miscarriage of justice of trying a political opponent with crimes is perhaps their greatest achievement and if they can get it tried in a friendly venue with a sympathetic judge, like they did in Portland with Andy Ngo, it will have the same outcome, complete and shining with injustice for all to see, feel and fear.

While I generally have no fear of Antifa individually or even in a group, the communism and fascism they represent is breathing deeply of the rarified air of the courtroom and largely have destroyed the concept of the union.

A society is made up of a group of people with similar values, traditions and understanding of right and wrong. I challenge anyone to look out on the modern landscape of the United States and see that. We are not one society and cannot be one nation unless we are one in communism.

They will never stop until that’s true.

I know we won’t stop it. The American people cannot stand the idea of recognizing the snake and cutting its head off. It’s the part of the American soul we seem to have lost, the brutal, but necessary part of the American identity that forged a nation out of the wilderness. While I mourn the obvious truth, I stand ready to fight, praying I find enough allies, people who recognize that we’re at the event horizon, slowly being sucked into the crushing gravity of the black hole and pull back, turn to our enemies (they are nothing else) and stand our ground.

This is America, the land of the free, built on laws, individual rights, one of which is to be left alone to pursue happiness, without an EPA rule to abandon our gas stove, without an edict to eat bugs, without someone demanding to be recognized as a woman, who is obviously a man.

Until those rights mean more to us than being civil to outrageous demons, we will lose and lose spectacularly. This is one reason I came to the conclusion that the first and most impactful thing that can still be done is to stand behind their hated nemesis, Donald Trump, and force them to eat bugs of a different flavor.

Until we can see that their sense of justice is injustice, that their sense of free speech is censored speech, that their sense of truth is the truth they give to us, that their sense of an education is indoctrination, that their sense of a border is a turnstile and rebel vigorously against it, we do not deserve the honor of being an American and will cease to be so.

We’re at an historic moment, like we were when they announced the lockdowns. We failed that test and this is where we’ve come. No, it doesn’t matter where Trump stood on that day. This is and never has been about Trump. When Trump encouraged us to take the jab, I laughed in his electronically-projected face. No one tells me what to do with my body. I’m still fighting the seat belt law for heaven’s sake. By letting this be about Trump, we lose; we allow our majority to get divided between DeSantis and Trump, between the January 6th political prisoners and whether he did enough to help them, between the border and whether he did enough to build it when he could.

This is about their case against a high-profile American and their crooked system, it’s about their demand for open borders and putting troops at the gates, it’s about sex trafficking of children and hunting down the traffickers, it’s about allowing them to groom our children in grade school and arresting the criminals. When it comes down to it, from top to bottom, it’s about their criminal actions and our desire to stop it.

We’re not going to stop it by succumbing to their continued efforts to commit crimes against us. If that means evicting them from their red-state homes and deporting them to blue states, it has to be done. The head needs to be cut from the snake.

That’s what needs to happen, many, many people know it and they’ll have the chance to reshuffle the deck when the economic implosion happens and the whole nation is chaos for a period of time. The communists will take that opportunity to lockdown the population and institute their new system. That’s the time to act. God be with us when that time comes. I can tell you that clinging to this idea of the United States of America will be a mistake and literally impossible. It will emerge as something only nightmares can reveal to us now. Our nightmare is their utopia, we cannot be one nation.