Another pissant wanna-be tyrant, shilling for those BloombergBucks.
But it is so nice when pictures for positive ID are provided.

the need for that assault weapon ban. Not one on the buying of weapons in the future. One on ALL military style assault weapons in American hands now. Buy them back and make the penalties so severe that no one will be tempted to keep one

We aren’t doing enough to address gun violence

C.J. Mikkelsen is a retired Lieutenant/paramedic for Dallas Fire Rescue in Dallas, Texas. He was born and raised in Michigan and is glad to be back in his home state.

CJ Mikkelsen

Mark Barden’s face looks out from my phone imploring me to contribute to Sandy Hook Promise to stop gun violence about every three minutes while
I swipe it away as soon as that five second countdown ends. But it bothers me when I do it.

Yes, I’ve contributed. “I’ve done my part,” I say to myself.
But have I? Have we, as a society?

Do we protect our most vulnerable citizens, our children, like we should?
So many of us go on ridiculous rants about drag queen story hour or share posts about the “Sound of Freedom” movie on our Facebook page. We’re all about “saving the children” as long as all it takes is a painless couple of clicks of a mouse.

Sorry, folks. I can’t let it go and fade into the background.
I know, I’ve written about gun violence and I’m supposed to have moved on to the next big topic. Something keeps bringing me back to guns. It’s either Mark Barden’s face or another tragic mass shooting or something as mind-boggling as an article about a mini-AR15 that a company is marketing to children less than eight years old.

America is, according to Everytown Research & Policy, (The Impact of Gun Violence on Children and Teens | Everytown Research & Policy) killing or maiming our children at a rate of 53 each and every day of the year.

Is it their birthday? 53 are unable to celebrate because they’re dead or laying in the back of an ambulance fighting for their lives. Fireworks on the Fourth of July? 53 more dead and wounded unable to stare in wonder at the explosion of the night sky into color and light. Opening presents on Christmas? You might as well give 53 of them a present of a priest and last rites.

So, while we’ve made our couple of clicks about something we’ve probably done zero actual research on, real kids are dying. Not the pretend harm of a story read by someone in drag or the sensationalistic bombast of Jim Caviezel’s Q-anon-themed sex trafficking movie.

Real children are losing their lives to a real problem.
A problem this country can’t seem to muster the will to tackle despite the pile of dead kids, the families pleading for help and a few states, like Michigan, taking baby steps.

A pin was handed to Colorado representative Lauren Boebert. It was a pin representing a pair of green sneakers worn by a girl named Maite Rodriguez, a victim of the Uvalde mass shooting. The sneakers were the only thing that identified her body because it was otherwise unrecognizable due to the massive trauma a semi-automatic assault weapon did to her young flesh. The people handing them out were trying to get Congress people to back reinstating the assault weapons ban.

Boebert, the co-chair of the Second Amendment caucus, didn’t even wait to get back to her office before, on camera, she threw the pin in the trash.
First, Colorado, please vote this national embarrassment out of office. She’s unworthy of being the town drunk, let alone being one of 535 Congressional lawmakers.

Second, while we’re enthralled with the latest indictment of our favorite corrupt orange clown or figuring out what to wear to the Barbie movie, we’re ignoring the need for that assault weapon ban. Not one on the buying of weapons in the future. One on ALL military style assault weapons in American hands now. Buy them back and make the penalties so severe that no one will be tempted to keep one.

It’s time to start remembering for more than a broadcast television 24-hour news cycle that America is killing its children.
Since I first wrote about our death cult-like obsession with guns back on March 23 of this year, there have been 295 mass shootings in this country. Many of them involving those little humans we profess to care so much about.
Let’s start the long haul to sanity and attempt to wash the blood off our hands by doing something instead of caving to the gun lobby, who wants just to sell more guns, and the cowardly gun nuts, who are too scared to walk outside in the sunlight without a weapon and plenty of ammunition.
Our children will thank us, if they’re still alive to do so.