“These poor liberals. They spend their lives righteously defending minorities from conservatives — not realizing that minorities can be conservative themselves.”
Liberals believe the price Muslims should pay for sticking up for them is giving up their religious beliefs.
The real story of course is that Christians and Muslims have found a common ground. Both want to protect their children from LGBT indoctrination in schools.

LBGT vs. Muslims: Libs baffled to learn Islam is actually a religion.

The LA Times reported, “For months, hundreds of religious parents have regularly rallied outside a Maryland school board building, aghast at curriculum featuring books that portray LGBTQ+ families to elementary school kids.

“Waving American flags, they have chanted against indoctrination of children. They’ve sued to pull their kids from lessons and argued their case on Fox News.

“In battles against LGBTQ+ acceptance [the paper’s way of saying grooming kids], it is often white evangelicals pushing for book bans [no books are banned] or boycotts over beer brands or bathing suits. In this case, Muslims are leading the fight.

“The controversy in an overwhelmingly blue Washington, D.C., suburb highlights a shift. For decades, Muslims have been focused on fighting back against accusations of terrorism. But now, in clashes in left-leaning, diverse areas from the coasts to the heartland, they’re speaking out about what they see as intolerance of their faith.”

Sounds like the left is having some buyer’s remorse. It was OK when Hillary was branding those deplorable Trump supporters as Islamophobic, but now they are discovering that Trump supporters are not as Islamophobic as she said they were. In fact, they have found common ground; both Muslims and Christians are tired of being bullied by fanatic LGBT operatives who have taken over sex education in schools and expanded it to kindergarten.

CAIR — once heralded by the left as the sole arbiter of what is Islamophobic — organized a protest against a schoolboard in suburban Washington.

Zainab Chaudry, the Maryland director of CAIR, told the LA Times, “The school system believes it is being inclusive toward LGBTQ parents and students. But in doing that, it is not being inclusive toward another set of parents and students.”

One man’s inclusion is another man’s exclusion.

The LA Times story also noted, “In the blue city of Hamtramck [a suburb of Detroit], an all-Muslim city council recently sided with Muslim activists and banned the LGBTQ+ Pride flag on city property. Muslim residents are pushing for the same in nearby Dearborn, where close to half of residents are Arab Americans and protesters derailed a school board meeting last fall over an LGBTQ+-related curriculum.”

Then came the admission of bafflement. The story said, “It all bewilders some who say they supported Muslims when they were under attack from the far-right and now feel betrayed.”

You know, for a bunch of people who pride themselves on their intellectual superiority, liberals sure can be dumb. Did it never occur to them that the reason a few Muslim countries jail and occasionally execute gays might have something to do with their religious beliefs?

The city kicked Russ Gordon off the Hamtramck Human Relations Commission after he defied the flag ban on city-owned flagpoles. Government employees should obey the law or be canned. Gordon is angry with the Muslims he once heralded.

He told the paper, “When they wanted to broadcast their call to prayer from mosques, we defended them. When they were being hit with hate crimes, we stood by them, and we opened our arms when they were refugees. We live in America, but this feels like a theocracy.”

Liberal anger at Muslims for thinking for themselves is an international development. The ban on any political flags on the city’s polls drew widespread attention.

Over in England, the Guardian reported in June, “A sense of betrayal: liberal dismay as Muslim-led US city bans Pride flags.”

It quoted former Hamtramck mayor Karen Majewski. She said, “There’s a sense of betrayal. We supported you when you were threatened, and now our rights are threatened, and you’re the one doing the threatening.”

Wow. Nothing quite says Liberal Privilege like libs accusing you of betrayal simply for following your religion.

The Guardian also reported, “Mayor Amer Ghalib, 43, who was elected in 2021 with 67% of the vote to become the nation’s first Yemeni American mayor, told the Guardian on Thursday he tries to govern fairly for everyone, but said LGBTQ+ supporters had stoked tension by ‘forcing their agendas on others.’”

He is right, you know.

The story also said, “But Majewski said the majority is now disrespecting the minority. She noted that a white, Christian-majority city council in 2005 created an ordinance to allow the Muslim call to prayer to be broadcast from the city’s mosques five times daily. It did so over objections of white city residents, and Majewski said she didn’t see the same reciprocity with roles reversed.”

Again she displayed her You Owe Us sense of entitlement.

Former council member Catrina Stackpoole, who is gay, told the Washington Post, “We welcomed you. We created nonprofits to help feed, clothe, find housing. We did everything we could to make your transition here easier, and this is how you repay us, by stabbing us in the back?”

That is the liberal mentality. All these groups they claim to help are pets to them. Why, it is almost as if they supported Muslims not out of a selfless sense of duty, but to collect chits and register voters.

The Bezos Post did have the decency to report in Paragraph 6, “The council’s unanimous vote in the middle of Pride Month seemed intentional to Stackpoole and others, though the resolution banned not only the rainbow flag but all flags except for the U.S., state, city and POW/MIA banners. Mayor Amer Ghalib, 43, defends the action as one of neutrality, saying no group should be able to promote a political agenda on city property.”

Indeed. It is a classic First Amendment argument. If you cannot have the Ten Commandments displayed in a public building, why are Gay Pride flags tolerated?

Michael Deacon of the Telegraph (aka the Torygraph) observed, “If a Christian council had banned the Pride flag, liberals would have known exactly how to respond. Denounce the council for its queerphobic bigotry, and lead a furious protest march against heteronormative, patriarchal white supremacy. Simple.

“Unfortunately, though, this council isn’t Christian. As a result, American liberals are being forced to contemplate an awkward dilemma. Their whole purpose in life is to defend marginalized minorities. But what should they do when one marginalized minority marginalizes another marginalized minority? Whose side should they take?

“Logically it should be the side of the minority being marginalized. Which in this case is people who are LGBT. But if liberals fight the ban on the Pride flag, the Muslim council could accuse them of marginalizing Muslims, by refusing to respect their democratic decisions. Liberals, they could add, are guilty of cultural imperialism, by forcing Muslims to conform to certain values. They could even accuse them of Islamophobia. A thought to strike terror into every progressive heart.

“These poor liberals. They spend their lives righteously defending minorities from conservatives — not realizing that minorities can be conservative themselves.”

Liberals believe the price Muslims should pay for sticking up for them is giving up their religious beliefs.


The real story of course is that Christians and Muslims have found a common ground. Both want to protect their children from LGBT indoctrination in schools.