Of Course Gun-Control Fails in Practice, but Does it Work in Theory?

The murderer who attacked children in a Nashville Christian school wrote a diary. Parts of it were published and then taken down. This murderer hoped that she was the only one with a gun and that her victims were unprotected. Many people want the same thing.

In theory, disarming honest citizens makes your country safer. Last month, Israelis again confirmed that gun-control is a failure. Gun-prohibition assumes that murderers and terrorists will obey the law, that they will only buy a firearm through legal channels. In practice, disarming your neighbors gives you all the vulnerability of disarmed victims with none of the benefits of actually disarming murderers. Despite those repeated failures both in the US and abroad, anti-rights politicians want ordinary citizens disarmed. So do academics in both the US and in Israel.

Palestinians killed about 1,200 Israelis during their attack on October 7th. That would be proportional in size to Mexican drug gangs entering the US and murdering everyone in Galveston, Texas. The Palestinian attackers deliberately targeted schools and youth centers.

The real and undeniable advantage of armed citizens is that they are there when the attack happens. They can respond immediately. They also have local knowledge of who the innocent victims are and who are the bad guys that don’t belong. In practice, a government response that takes hours to protect unarmed victims is a unilateral surrender to murderers and terrorists.

Israel asked to import 24 thousand rifles from the United States. Biden said no precisely because some of those rifles might end up in the hands of Israeli civilians. We wouldn’t want civilians to be able to stop terrorists, now would we. Biden also stopped the export of all US civilian firearms for 90 days. I suspect that the Israelis forgot to include another “10-percent for the big guy.”

Please note that this is the same Biden administration that abandoned 83-billion dollars of military equipment in Afghanistan. I’d bet that some of that equipment is now in the hands of Hamas terrorists who are fighting Israel.

While hostages are being held by terrorists, some Israeli academics want the Israeli government to confiscate more guns from honest Israelis. The academics fear that Israelis would develop a “gun culture” of armed defense. Note that US academics and Democrat politicians routinely ask for the same thing after mass-murders are in the news.

Allow me to put the failure of gun-control into perspective. 22 people were murdered in mass-murder attacks on our schools last year (2022). California leads the nation in gun control laws. California also leads the nation in the number of mass murders and mass shootings. In contrast, honest gun owners used a firearm to stop violent crime about 2.8 million times a year. Honest citizens who had a gun stopped almost two-thirds of attempted mass murders last year. Hold those numbers in mind.

In theory you can solve a small problem by creating a larger one. In practice, you can’t.

In theory, politicians and academics are influenced by facts, but I’m not sure if it’s true. I’ve read some of the murderer’s diaries. It doesn’t matter if gun-control stops you from killing; it matters if gun-control stops mass-murderers from killing. So far gun-control has failed. It made things worse rather than better. The mass-murderers in the US deliberately target “gun-free” zones where victims are disarmed by law.

Time and again, the murderers pray that they are the only person with a gun. Politicians and academics answer their prayers. It is up to us to stop all of them. We have to refute the academics, the politicians, and then save lives.

Please carry on.